Multiple file deletion

  • Thread starter Thread starter Dangermouse
  • Start date Start date


I need to delete a selection of files (about 8-9 thousand)
and want to know if there is a way of doing this without
having to select every file by hand. I know the ususla
user things, but this is one that I've never had to do
Any help available would be appreciated.

-----Original Message-----
I need to delete a selection of files (about 8-9 thousand)
and want to know if there is a way of doing this without
having to select every file by hand. I know the ususla
user things, but this is one that I've never had to do
Any help available would be appreciated.

If the files are in one big group, click the first one,
hold down shift and click the last one, it will delete
everything in between
-----Original Message-----
I need to delete a selection of files (about 8-9
and want to know if there is a way of doing this without
having to select every file by hand. I know the usual
user things, but this is one that I've never had to do
Any help available would be appreciated.

If the files are in one big group, click the first one,
hold down shift and click the last one, it will delete
everything in between

Thanks for the basic lesson, I need the advanced version!
The files are jumbled up in a group of about 17,000 and
the numbers are non-sequential.
The list of unwanted files is available as a text file or
even a .db, but I can't make SQL work within windows file
Then use the cmdline! Start "cmd.exe". The "del" cmdline intrinsic will do
the job for you ("del /?" for help).
If you decide to write a batch file that takes a text file as input, then
deletes the filenames listed, you'll also want to look at the "for"

Windows 2000 Help should have pretty good documentation for those commands,
I have limited knowledge of the cmdline, but I'm not a
total noob.
I have a large number of image files (mostly gifs, lets
call the folder "list") and need to clean out the ones I
don't need. I have spooled the filenames to a text file
and referenced via access to get a list of the files I
don't need and this is saved as a text file. (let's call
this unwanted.txt)
Can you offer the cmdline structure for the command to
delete the files listed in unwanted.txt from "list".

-----Original Message-----
Then use the cmdline! Start "cmd.exe". The "del" cmdline intrinsic will do
the job for you ("del /?" for help).
If you decide to write a batch file that takes a text file as input, then
deletes the filenames listed, you'll also want to look at the "for"

Windows 2000 Help should have pretty good documentation for those commands,
Drew Cooper [MSFT]
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

-----Original Message-----
I need to delete a selection of files (about 8-9
and want to know if there is a way of doing this without
having to select every file by hand. I know the usual
user things, but this is one that I've never had to do
Any help available would be appreciated.

If the files are in one big group, click the first one,
hold down shift and click the last one, it will delete
everything in between

Thanks for the basic lesson, I need the advanced version!
The files are jumbled up in a group of about 17,000 and
the numbers are non-sequential.
The list of unwanted files is available as a text file or
even a .db, but I can't make SQL work within windows file

I have limited knowledge of the cmdline, but I'm not a
total noob.
I have a large number of image files (mostly gifs, lets
call the folder "list") and need to clean out the ones I
don't need. I have spooled the filenames to a text file
and referenced via access to get a list of the files I
don't need and this is saved as a text file. (let's call
this unwanted.txt)
Can you offer the cmdline structure for the command to
delete the files listed in unwanted.txt from "list".

Maybe something like the following:

for /f "tokens=*" %a in (c:\pathto\unwanted.txt) do @echo del "c:\list\%a"

If this appears to do what you intend, remove the word 'echo' to
actually delete the files. If you use the preceding in a batch
file, double the percent signs, e.g., '%%a' instead of '%a'.

Hope this helps.