Multiple email Yahoo email addresses

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Up until recently, I was able to have mutiple yahoo email addresses open at
the same time, while being able to check each one indiviualy. Now I can't
check the mail in one email without it diverting to another one, having to
logout of the 1st one to check the 2nd. I also tried this with IE7, but the
multiple tabs, which I like, also won't allow this very conveinient option.
Is there anything that I can do?
Thanks for your help,
Up until recently, I was able to have mutiple yahoo email addresses open at
the same time, while being able to check each one indiviualy. Now I can't
check the mail in one email without it diverting to another one, having to
logout of the 1st one to check the 2nd. I also tried this with IE7, but the
multiple tabs, which I like, also won't allow this very conveinient option.
Is there anything that I can do?

I have never been able to open more than one Yahoo! Mail account per
browser. Something about the session cookies; I get logged out of one
account when I attempt to log into another. AFAIK, it has always been thus.
Even with browser tabs, the cookies are loaded to, and read from the same
location in the file system, and are unique per session log in. I have
always needed to open a different browser to keep the account session
cookies separated.

~Shine, bright morning light,
~now in the air the spring is coming.
~Sweet, blowing wind,
~singing down the hills and valleys.
Yahoo Mail was/is in Beta, so you can expect unexpected changes.

Or not. They still allow access to the "classic" system.

~Shine, bright morning light,
~now in the air the spring is coming.
~Sweet, blowing wind,
~singing down the hills and valleys.