I have a computer that is part of network A. There is a second NIC
used to connect to Network B. I am running an Apache server and need
to use perl to move a couple of folders when a user signs into a web
page. I can do this fine as long as the files are on the computer
located in network A. However I run into permision problems if I try
to access a network share on B. I can log in as the user that apache
is running under and map the drives just fine. For security reasons I
cannot set up a trust between the two domains. Is there a way to set
up a trust with just this one computer from Network A to Network B. Or
is this an Apache/Perl problem?
used to connect to Network B. I am running an Apache server and need
to use perl to move a couple of folders when a user signs into a web
page. I can do this fine as long as the files are on the computer
located in network A. However I run into permision problems if I try
to access a network share on B. I can log in as the user that apache
is running under and map the drives just fine. For security reasons I
cannot set up a trust between the two domains. Is there a way to set
up a trust with just this one computer from Network A to Network B. Or
is this an Apache/Perl problem?