Multiple DLL's



I have an Intranet site that acts as the employees
central spot to input, edit, and view data from a SQL
2000 DB. Currently I have 5 programs written using VB
codebehind on the ASP.NET pages each with about 2000
lines of code each.

I am wondering- should I be breaking these programs out
into their own DLL or is it alright to keep compiling
them all into one big DLL?

I am asking because it is taking longer and longer to
compile. Lately when I am working on a new web program-
I write it in its own project and import it into the main

Any insight would be helpful!



If it s getting to the point where it is having a negative impact on your
compiler time then you might look at breaking it up into logical pieces.
Especailly if you find yourself only changing certain pieces of code or
adding new code to certain parts.

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