I have a Solution named "Bjarne" that contains several Projects.
Each project generates it's own DLL, that must be included with the main
Each Dll's Base adress is set to: &H11000000
I read in an article that by using the REBASE tool you could re-assign where
the DLL's would load and that way speed ut load-time.
I found the tool, but i don't know how to use it, or if it works with VB.Net
Can anyone give me an example how to use this tool, (parameters to use
article: http://msdn.microsoft.com/msdnmag/issues/0500/hood/default.aspx
As i said earlier; the 'Bjarne' Solution holds several projects:
Is there any way of making the other project's (the DLL's) in the solution,
included into the main executable.
That would speed up execution too wouldn't it?
(The solution generates about 500KB total in Dll's and Exe's, but requires
about 18 MB in RAM)
I have a Solution named "Bjarne" that contains several Projects.
Each project generates it's own DLL, that must be included with the main
Each Dll's Base adress is set to: &H11000000
I read in an article that by using the REBASE tool you could re-assign where
the DLL's would load and that way speed ut load-time.
I found the tool, but i don't know how to use it, or if it works with VB.Net
Can anyone give me an example how to use this tool, (parameters to use
article: http://msdn.microsoft.com/msdnmag/issues/0500/hood/default.aspx
As i said earlier; the 'Bjarne' Solution holds several projects:
Is there any way of making the other project's (the DLL's) in the solution,
included into the main executable.
That would speed up execution too wouldn't it?
(The solution generates about 500KB total in Dll's and Exe's, but requires
about 18 MB in RAM)