Multiple Databases that need same query run

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I have 3 separate databases that need to have the same queries run on them.
Is there a way to have on database that runs all the queries and is just
linked to the other database? Each databases needs to be kept separate
because each is used by a different company.
I would say great but there is about 50 queries right know, with more being
done weekly as we continue to refine what we are doing and find new
information that is needed. So if I need to make a change I change it on all
3 databases right now. I was just hoping there would be a way to make it run
off the same and just have to make on set of changes.
If these databases are the same, differentiated only by the company, why do
you have to have 3 different versions to update?

Visual Source Safe can be used when there is a core product with some
variations. It is the best way I know of. I once did a project where 4
different organizations wanted the same application, but some special or
different features of their own. I handled this using VSS.
Thanks I will look into that.

Klatuu said:
If these databases are the same, differentiated only by the company, why do
you have to have 3 different versions to update?

Visual Source Safe can be used when there is a core product with some
variations. It is the best way I know of. I once did a project where 4
different organizations wanted the same application, but some special or
different features of their own. I handled this using VSS.
I would say great but there is about 50 queries right know, with more being
done weekly as we continue to refine what we are doing and find new
information that is needed. So if I need to make a change I change it on all
3 databases right now. I was just hoping there would be a way to make it run
off the same and just have to make on set of changes.

How are you changing the queries!? I *hope* you're not storing literal strings
as criteria... are you using Parameter Queries?

John W. Vinson [MVP]
What is the diffrence between a literal sting and a Parameter? I don't know
for sure.
I am not change the queries but mostly just adding new queries.
Perhaps another solution might be to create another database that houses the
master copy for all of your queries. Using VBA, you can design a solution
where you could concievably "Choose" which database you want to run the query
on. This , of course would require some expert coding skills.

A lower tech solution might be to create a master database as above, and
then "Publish" the queries via exporting to the other databases.

Cory J. Laidlaw
Beyond 01 Solutions, LLC.
What is the diffrence between a literal sting and a Parameter? I don't know
for sure.
I am not change the queries but mostly just adding new queries.

A literal string would have, for example, one query with a criterion of
"Denver", another with a criterion of "Salt Lake City", and another with a
criterion of "Kansas City".

Using parameters, these could all be replaced by a single query with a
criterion of [Enter city:] or, better, using an unbound form named frmCrit
with a combo box named cboCities listing all the cities, a criterion of


Perhaps you could open one or two of these queries in SQL view and post the
SQL text here so we could see what you're working with.

John W. Vinson [MVP]