Multiple data entry

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I want to know if it is possible to enter multiple data on a single form, or
do I have to enter them one by one

For example, I want to enter which employees were absent on a certain date.
I have a table named absence with DateAbsence, EmployeeID, reason. (Primary
key is an autonumber)

In my form, I'd like to have one text box for which the user enters a date,
and few other text boxes for the entry of employeesID and reasons. Then, when
I close the form, it would save the data in 5 rows(If the user enterd 5
employees) with the same DateAbsence.

Is it possible to do that?
Thanks in advance
Louis Pat

Allow the "previously entered value be the default value for a new record".
You can do it with a line like:

Me.ControlName.DefaultValue = """" & Me.ControlName.Value & """"

in the after update event of the said controls to be enhanced with this

Hoping it may help,
Vanderghast, Access MVP