Trying to find formula to attached. "Raw" data displays date of sale
item number sold and value of sale. Report is headed up dates (columns
x Item numbers (rows) Formula needs to report sales value of each ite
within the user defined date ranges. Conditions are that Item number i
equal to item number in row and sale was made on column date or prio
to next column date. If so; sum value of sales for each item withi
defined date range. Trying to avoid sumif's on sumif's or looked u
values..... burns out CPU!!
Many thanks
Attachment filename: formula testing.xls
Download attachment: http://www.excelforum.com/attachment.php?postid=52059
Trying to find formula to attached. "Raw" data displays date of sale
item number sold and value of sale. Report is headed up dates (columns
x Item numbers (rows) Formula needs to report sales value of each ite
within the user defined date ranges. Conditions are that Item number i
equal to item number in row and sale was made on column date or prio
to next column date. If so; sum value of sales for each item withi
defined date range. Trying to avoid sumif's on sumif's or looked u
values..... burns out CPU!!
Many thanks
Attachment filename: formula testing.xls
Download attachment: http://www.excelforum.com/attachment.php?postid=52059