Windows XP Multiple conditional formatting with data validation indirect lists

Mar 3, 2007
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Since I have only 3 conditions: either the background be red, yellow or white, and only one tool is white and one is yellow...I went ahead and made the format of the cell to be red. That way all tertiary tools have a red background.
It is a partial work-around, but maybe a step in the right direction...

By looking through the forums and with some trial and error, I have found that I can change the background of an indirect (data validated) listed item to be a shade of my choosing if it meets certain criteria:

(Within Format/Conditional Format) Formula equals =AND(C2="Tool2",B2="Press3") (then setting the color to whichever I choose)

With that as a given, here is my question:

I have 50 Presses and 15 tools that go in them. You see that I have a lot of indirect possibilities, which are do-able until I get into conditional formatting.

What I'm trying to do is set up a background color for the tools that I allow to be chosen that are primary, secondary and tertiary.
If primary tool is chosen: no color, if secondary: yellow, if tertiary: red. Each press has only one tool being primary and another one tool for secondary. There can, however, be multiple tertiary tools.
Each press has one primary and secondary unique to itself. Their primary and secondary tools can, however, be a secondary in another press once, and a tertiary multiple times.

Conditional formatting under the format/conditional format, has a very limited view of what I'm trying to do here.

Can anyone help me come up with some sort of work-around for this?
I've thought of doing a VLOOKUP in another box if a certain tool is listed making it the color I so desire, but then my problems persist due to the fact that many tools can be tertiary, but are also at least once primary. (Conflicting the fact that they won't always be a certain color.) Hmmm.
Do you think it would be possible to do an AND statement and work with the VLOOKUP?
Any help would be fabulous.
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