Multiple ComboBox

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My tables:
tblprogramdata : Design Name, Design Number,
Colors, Size, Etc
Tblprogramorders: : OrderDate, Due Date,
Design Name, Design Name, Colors, Size, etc,

My form:

Contains the info from the tlbprogramorders:

What I would like to accomplish:

On my form, for the Design Name and Design
Number I would like to have a Combo Box for each. If I
choose the drop down from the Design Name combo box, it
will fill in the design name and automatically fill in the
design number and If I choose the drop down from the
Design Number combo box, it will fill in the design number
and automatically fill in the the design number.

Does anyone know how I can accomplish this?



In the AfterUpdate event of the combo box, PUSH the combo box columns (I
assumed you use the wizard to create the combo box, with multiple columns)
appropriately in the desired controls:

Me.DesignName = Me.ComboBox.Columns(24)
Me.DesignPattern = Me.ComboBox.Columns(11)

where I exaggerated a little bit, assuming that the Design Name is store in
the 25th column (visible or not, count start at 0, ie, first column has its
index =0 ) and the Design Pattern in column 12th.

Hoping it may help,
Vanderghast, Access MVP