Multiple combo boxes in a form

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a I have a table with Category, Sub Category, Product Type and Problem Type.
I am attempting to create a form for input so that if you select a Category,
you then choose a Sub Category linked to specific Category, a Product Type
linked to the Sub Category and the Problem type linked to the Product Type
using multiple combo boxes. I am a basic access user and I cant get this to
work after six hours of trying. Any help would be appreciated.
Many thanks for your answer Allen. I did a search earlier today and found
your comment posted as a reply to another query but it goes way over my head.
I will attempt to try this but if anyone has some instructions that are more
at an intermediate user level for my problem I would appreciate them.
No worries.

The key concept is that you set the RowSource property of the combo to limit
the items available.

As always, everyone's suggestions are welcome too.
Thanks Doug but no. I am obviously just not experienced enough to transfer
the ideas from the site to my own problem. I appreciate your assistance none
the less.