Multiple choice answer tracking and exam tracking

  • Thread starter Thread starter Dominic
  • Start date Start date


Hello all.
I am creating a database to track exam results (pass / fail marks) but also
to track the actual questions as well. The questions are not in the database
though. This is what I have so far:
Exam subject, exam number, exam information.
Exam information is the main table and the others are linked to it (via
selectable dropdown menus).

Content of "Exam Information" table:
ID, date, name, subject, exam #, # of times sat, mark, 1,2 - 50.
I want to be able to see which questions are constantly being gotten wrong,
so I have set up the table to be either a "1" or a "zero(0)" for the
"question" field.

The "exam info" query is based on the table, less the ID, name, date, # of
times sat. This is where I am getting stuck....well, one of the places. I
have tried various things to get the info I need but nothing seems to work. I
need to get the number of people who have gotten a particular question WRONG
so that I can have a look at it to see if the question is bad, etc. How would
I go about doing that?
I tried to have te "question" fields as yes/no but that didn't work. When i
change the field to a "1" or "0" field, the report from the query just brings
up a total of people who got it wrong (as required) but always gives me a
100% indication, instead of a 50% indication if 2 out of 4 people got the
answer wrong.

Can anyone help?

Thanks in advance.
One of the most fundamental rules of database design is not to use repeating
fields, such as Question1, Question2, ... Question50. Since one exam can
have multiple questions, you need a related table to hold the questions.

So your Exam table with have fields such as:
ExamID AutoNumber primary key
SubjectID Number relates to your table of subjects
ExamDate Date/Time when this exam was held
Then the ExamQuestion table will have fields like this:
ExamID Number which exam this question is in
QuestionNo Number 1 for question 1, 2 for question 2, ...
QuestionText Memo what the question was
MarksPossible Number how many marks q. is worth

That defines the exam itself. There's a whole other field in trying to
design a database to track:
a) students
b) courses
c) enrolments in course
d) the subjects/modules that make up a course (required + elective)
e) entry by a student to a subject
f) the assessments for the subject
g) attempts by a student an an assessment, when the attempts were received,
when they were submitted for grading (and possibly re-grading), and the
student's results.
h) resits (exams) and resubmissions (essays)
and so on.
Thank you for explaining. I think I might not have adequately conveyed the
intention of the database. It will not actually have any questions to answer
(that's why I didn't think of having a separate table). The record in the
"exam info" table is to track each "sitting" of a particular exam. The actual
answer is not important, but tracking which ones were answered wrong, is. I
hope this better explains what I want to do.

Going by your example, here is the basic content / layout / makeup of my
table as it stands:
Field Name Date Type Descr
ID Autonumber
ExamDate Date of exam Date
Candidate Text Name
ExamSubject Text Subject
Paper# Text Examination#
Examsitting Number # of this particular attempt
Exammark Number Actual Exam Mark
1 Number Correct or wrong
2 Number Correct or wrong
3 Number Correct or wrong
#'s continue thru to 50.

What I want to do is be able to have a report of how many people sat the
particular exam (the actual exam subjects and paper #'s will be separated
using a query..because there are about 20 different exams) and have how many
times each question was answered wrong.

I initially had the 1 thru 50 as yes/no but this didn't give the required
output. I then changed them to number fields, hoping that a count would yeild
better results. I am getting the number of people who are getting the
questions wrong, but not the percentage of how many people who actually took
the exam (eg: 6% of the people who took the exam got #2 wrong...there is no
need to change that question, but 95% of the people who took the exam got #25
wrong....we have to seriously look at the wording of that question).

I hope this gives better insight into what I am trying to achieve. If your
answer is still the same, please point me in the correct direction. If it
would be easier, I would email you the file or put it onto a server for you
to have a look at.

Thanks in advance,

Thanks for getting back so quickly. OK, I am barking up the wrong tree. So
you suggest I use the format in your previous message. I will do up an "Exam"
table and an "ExamQuestion" table. I will input all of the questions, the
correct answer, etc, as per your example below. How would I proceed from
there? Don't worry, I am not asking you to do it for me, just steer me in the
right direction and I will (try to) do it. Your valuable input helped me
create a reservations database a couple of years ago, so your "humble
opinion" is just fine with me!!!!!
Best regards,
BTW, once it's finished, I can send it to you so you can see how your input
has helped.
You don't have to put in the question text, marks, and correct answer. But
you do need a related table that gives you a *record* for each question the
student attempts, instead of a *field* for each question in one big wide

You say you want to track:
a) the students
b) the exams
c) each time a student attempts an exam (resits possible?)
d) whether the student gave the correct answer to each question in the exam.

You could do that with the 4 tables above.

Say we name (c) as tblAttempt. It will have fields:
- AttemptID AutoNumber primary key
- ExamID what exam they sat (relates to tblExam.ExamID)
- StudentID who sat the exam (relates to tblStudent.StudentID)
- AttemptDate Date/Time when this student made this attempt at this

Now table (d) contains a record for each question in the exam, for each
- AttemptID Number (relates to tblAttempt.AttemptID)
- Question Number the question number in the exam
- Mark Number 1 for right; 0 for wrong.
So, if 10 students sat 2 exams, each with 20 questions, you have 10 * 2 * 20
records in this table.

For entering exam marks, you use a main form bound to tblAttempt, and a
subform in continuous view for the questions and marks (one per row.) The
subform automatically shows you just the records for the attempt in the main