Thanks for the response Karl. I added 2 check boxes because one is for yes
and the other is for not applicable. There is a specific form I am trying to
I plan to create a table to store the answers but I'm a little clueless on
what would be the best approach to do this. Would I need to create a table
with an ID for each employee multiple times and bind the check box to each ID
number 1 by 1?
EmpID Question Yes N/A
123456 #1 Checkbox1 Checkbox4
123456 #2 Checkbox2 Checkbox5
123456 #3 Checkbox3 Checkbox6
If I do it this way, how would new data be entered to the table from the
form daily? This is my first time creating a form that is used for data entry
that may not exsist on a table previously so I am unsure how to get this to
MsWatts, you're making a very common beginner's mistake: starting your design
with the Form rather than with the tables.
A form is *just a window* - a tool to make it easier to enter data into your
Tables. The Tables are where all the data is stored; the structure and
relationships of the tables are the foundation of your database. Starting
designing your database with the Forms is like assembling the walls, windows
and roof of a house and then deciding where the foundation should be poured!
In particular, you should rethink whether checkboxes on a form should drive
your table design. Data presentation is not the same as data storage! It's
tempting to have one checkbox per question, but if you let that drive your
table structure, you end up with one *table field* per question; and that
design is simply WRONG.
As for your yes/no/NA choice, I'd actually suggest storing this in one field
in your table, not two. A Checkbox control on a form is limited to two values
and you need three! You might want to consider using a Number field in your
table, with 0 symbolizing No, 1 meaning Yes, and 2 meaning N/A (probably safer
than having NULL mean N/A). This would let you use an "Option Group" control
with three radio buttons or checkboxes, only one of which can be selected.