We are using Outlook as our company's database. The majority of our contacts
belong to multiple categories. Sometimes I can get them to group by
individual categories but then the next day they will be grouped by whatever
information is in the categories box. For example: A&B Drywall may have
Finishes, Client, Job/Fayetteville as categories. One time it may sort and
put it in each individual category but then the next day it will create a new
group titled "Finishes, Client, Job/Fayetteville." How do I get it to break
it out all the time without having to go thru individually and fixing it each
belong to multiple categories. Sometimes I can get them to group by
individual categories but then the next day they will be grouped by whatever
information is in the categories box. For example: A&B Drywall may have
Finishes, Client, Job/Fayetteville as categories. One time it may sort and
put it in each individual category but then the next day it will create a new
group titled "Finishes, Client, Job/Fayetteville." How do I get it to break
it out all the time without having to go thru individually and fixing it each