multiple calls to assembly in GAC

  • Thread starter Thread starter raheela@lahore
  • Start date Start date


What is the mechanism by which .net handles calls to
assemblies in GAC. We are moving our web site / business
layer written in vb6 to .net. and i am wondering if I
should make some assemblies as shared ones like data layer
and put that in gac.
now when multiple clients will call it , how .net will
handle it ..... is there a limit to it?
I just want to add the assemblies will not be added to
com+ so there will be no object pooling.
designing is indeed a very worked up thing....

with .net you do have tons of options....
you can wrap all your objects in an assembly.... make it strong typed and
add it to the gac...
instantiating the object by multiple clients should necessarily affect
anything.. cause the instance is made available.... and not shared... had it
been shared like say multiple threads accessing a given instance then make
sure your object can handle it.....

by default.. .net does object pooling to a great extent... but make sure you
release the object to take advantage of it (like calling connection.close
and then dispose)...
by default in a given app for objects like db connection.... a pool of 25 is

hope this helps... you can find a lot of info on this at


Thanks for replying. I appreciate.
You mentioned .net does object pooling by default. I
always thought it was com+/mts feature and not .net's -

please if any microsoft guy out there who reads this-
plesae point to any article...thanks.