Minira / Tokyo
- Sluggish overall system performance speed
- Firefox browser sluggish
- Firefox hangs / crashes
- MSIE hijack
- History and MRU records showing hundreds of program and
process initializations which were never engaged by the user
- Abnormally large history files of up to 600kb reflecting
the item immediately above
- ZoneAlarm Pro alerts of persistent multiple communication
attempts by:
- - Firefox browser (every 15 seconds)
- - Generic Host Services
- - Spool Server
- - Net BIOS
- - router (by manufacturer name)
Known / Detected List:
1 - TUOBA.A trojan
2 - JV/Shinwow trojan / Exploit-Byte Verify
3 - Unknown (Local Settings: file names - jar_cache*.tmp)
4 - Netsky (dozens of variations detected)
5 - Exploit.IFrame.Vulnerability
6 - JS.Trojan.Zerolin.B.Dropper
1,2 and 3
- apparently were web browser-sourced only.
- defeated McAfee attempts to delete / disinfect it, which
then defaulted to McAfee quarantine.
- attempts to delete / disinfect the McAfee quarantined
files defeated the delete / disinfect attempt, and simply
recycled the McAfee detection routine.
4,5 and 6
- exclusively sourced in spam mails
- even if detected / quarantined / spam-filtered, they
still land and operate on your system
- are not detected by anything but Bit Defender (that I
know about)
- all cleans, disinfects and deletes failed (except for Netsky)
- one or more of these likely goes straight to BIOS (very
strong probability, though not yet verified)
- one or more of these MAY affect / infect your modem,
router and/or hard firewall box.
- suspected but unproven effects on browsers (firefox,
msie, et al)
- suspected but unproven effects on ZoneAlarm Pro (soft)
- suspected but unproven counter-effects on virtually all
mal code detection and cleaning mechanisms
End of Message
- Sluggish overall system performance speed
- Firefox browser sluggish
- Firefox hangs / crashes
- MSIE hijack
- History and MRU records showing hundreds of program and
process initializations which were never engaged by the user
- Abnormally large history files of up to 600kb reflecting
the item immediately above
- ZoneAlarm Pro alerts of persistent multiple communication
attempts by:
- - Firefox browser (every 15 seconds)
- - Generic Host Services
- - Spool Server
- - Net BIOS
- - router (by manufacturer name)
Known / Detected List:
1 - TUOBA.A trojan
2 - JV/Shinwow trojan / Exploit-Byte Verify
3 - Unknown (Local Settings: file names - jar_cache*.tmp)
4 - Netsky (dozens of variations detected)
5 - Exploit.IFrame.Vulnerability
6 - JS.Trojan.Zerolin.B.Dropper
1,2 and 3
- apparently were web browser-sourced only.
- defeated McAfee attempts to delete / disinfect it, which
then defaulted to McAfee quarantine.
- attempts to delete / disinfect the McAfee quarantined
files defeated the delete / disinfect attempt, and simply
recycled the McAfee detection routine.
4,5 and 6
- exclusively sourced in spam mails
- even if detected / quarantined / spam-filtered, they
still land and operate on your system
- are not detected by anything but Bit Defender (that I
know about)
- all cleans, disinfects and deletes failed (except for Netsky)
- one or more of these likely goes straight to BIOS (very
strong probability, though not yet verified)
- one or more of these MAY affect / infect your modem,
router and/or hard firewall box.
- suspected but unproven effects on browsers (firefox,
msie, et al)
- suspected but unproven effects on ZoneAlarm Pro (soft)
- suspected but unproven counter-effects on virtually all
mal code detection and cleaning mechanisms
End of Message