multiple asp:content's requires multiple datasources?

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Hi guys

Just a general query regarding using the AccessDataSource within a website
which uses a MasterPage.

The layout of my content page is as follows...

<asp:Content ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="cphContent" Runat="Server">
<h1><asp:Label runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("StoryTitle") %>"
ID="lblHeading" />

<asp:Content ID="Content2" ContentPlaceHolderID="cphSidebar" Runat="Server">
<!-- more Evals and content -->

<!-- data access -->
<asp:AccessDataSource ID="adsStory" runat="server"
SelectCommand="SELECT [StoryTitle] FROM [Stories]
WHERE ([StoryID] = ?)">
<asp:QueryStringParameter Type="Int32"
QueryStringField="id" />

The problem is that in order to make the databinding work in Content1, I
actually have to create a seperate AccessDataSource object WITHIN Content1.
If I put the AccessDataSource outside the content(s), VS won't compile it.

The only way round is, as I say, to either create 2 datasources (one for
each content), which surely will impact on the level of database activity,
speed, etc? Or alternatively, to use code-behind databinding.

The obvious answer is "just use code-behind") but I feel like I'm missing
something... surely there is a way to have multiple content areas on a
MasterPage child and only use 1 datasource across both? (while still being
able to do it without code-behind) ..?



Unfortunately the Master Page and the Content Page will not be able to
access each other's control directly. You will have to use FindControl (and
probably need to use it recursively) to access control on the other part.
For DataSourceID data binding to work, the data source control must exist
either in the same naming container as the data listing control that
references it, or in a parent control of the data listing control:

#BaseDataList.DataSourceID Property (System.Web.UI.WebControls)

For controls inside a master page and a content page, they're in different
container. Turn on "Trace" of your master page to see the control tree.

Therefore, I'm afraid you will have to resort back to the code-behind

Hope this helps.

Walter Wang ([email protected], remove 'online.')
Microsoft Online Community Support

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Sorry, I was replying too quick.

A few corrections to my previous reply:

1) "Trace" option is only available in your content page.

2) The data source control could be placed on your master page and you can
use it in your content page using DataSourceID; but not vice-versa.

Walter Wang ([email protected], remove 'online.')
Microsoft Online Community Support

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Hi Walter,

Thanks for the explanation - I think I'm with you. Just to clarify...

1) to use a datasource within 2 containers (asp:content's), I have to do
that via code in the code-behind.

2) Alternatively, I could place the datasource in the masterpage and it
would be accessible by both asp:content containers through the control tree?
(the problem there is that I only want the datasource on 1 page, not every
page which uses the master page!)

Makes more sense now, thanks!

Hi Dan,

1) If you put a data source control in your content page, you will have to
use code-behind to bind it to a control which resides in your master page.
See the trace output to learn the control tree hierarchy and read the
documentation of DataSourceID for more information.

2) If you put a data source control on your master page, yes every content
page that is using this master page will be able to use that data source
control's ID in ASPX to bind the data source. However, I don't think this
is a problem if you only need it only on one content page and the master

Please feel free to let me know if you need anything else.

Walter Wang ([email protected], remove 'online.')
Microsoft Online Community Support

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