To display an & in a caption on an Access form you quote it with another &,
ie. &&.
If however you have multiple ampersands in a caption, the second ampersand,
even though it is quoted, Access still appears to regard it as an Acess Key
and underlines the following letter. Subsequent ampersands if quoted appear
as two ampersands.
For example this string "Test of 1 && 2 && and 3 &&!" is displayed as "Test
of 1 & 2 &_and 3 &&!"
I have confirmed that in VB6 at least, "Test of 1 && 2 && and 3 &&!" is
displayed as "Test of 1 & 2 & and 3 &!"
Is this a known bug? It seems so simple to me, I am not sure if I am
missing something!
To display an & in a caption on an Access form you quote it with another &,
ie. &&.
If however you have multiple ampersands in a caption, the second ampersand,
even though it is quoted, Access still appears to regard it as an Acess Key
and underlines the following letter. Subsequent ampersands if quoted appear
as two ampersands.
For example this string "Test of 1 && 2 && and 3 &&!" is displayed as "Test
of 1 & 2 &_and 3 &&!"
I have confirmed that in VB6 at least, "Test of 1 && 2 && and 3 &&!" is
displayed as "Test of 1 & 2 & and 3 &!"
Is this a known bug? It seems so simple to me, I am not sure if I am
missing something!