Thanks for your prompt reply. Is it possible to create all the folders of both the a/c's in different color. I mean that, say a/c A exists and all the Folders(i.e. Inbox, Sent items, Tasks etc.) of this a/c are displayed in red color and all the Folders of a/c B is displayed in blue color. Pls note that i dont want the e-mails coming from a particular id is received in colors defined by the rules.
I require this to highlight the individual folders of both the a/c which can make my work of organising the mails which i need to be maintained in seperate a/c but which can be displayed at the same time.
Thanks in advance
----- Roady wrote: ----
You can either do this by creating separate profiles in Outlook or by addin
them to your accounts
With a separate profile Outlook can be started with just one account so tha
all information is completely separate. To do this
Control Panel-> Mail-> button Shwo Profiles-> button Add... Make sure yo
also configure Outlook to prompt you for which profiles you want to star
When you add the extra account by using Tools-> E-mail Accounts... th
account will be addd in the same profile. This means that Inbox, Sent Items
Calendar, Contacts, etc... are shared and that you have to use Wizard Rules
Organize or the Accounts column to distinguish from which account th
message came
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-Color Code Your E-Mail Advance
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Angel said:
I am using OL 2002. I want to introduce one more account in my OL. I a
not sure about this i searched the help topics but cannot find it. I want t
creat different accounts which can be toggled in outlook as and whe
required so that communications from each of these accounts is maintained a