multipage form

  • Thread starter Thread starter Steven
  • Start date Start date


Am I able to create a multipage form (for data entry)
where different pages point to different data tables?

It seems that whichever table/query I relate the first
page of the form, all subsequent form-pages are relating
to that same table/query, even if I attempt to change the
data source via the textbox as I am creating the page.

I supose, but am sure if this should be possible or if I
am beating a dead horse.
Try creating individual "Forms" for each of your data
pages, then on the Form you are using, insert each newly-
created "Form" as a "sub Form".

Tony C.
It would probably help to know more about the different
tables. For instance, are they linked in some way? In
general it seems that subforms could answer your needs.
Another possibility, especially if the underlying tables
are not connected, is to make a new query with all of the
required fields, and use that as the form's record source.