Hi I just purchased and installed a new sound card.. A Creative Sound
Blaster X FI Extreme Audio. (sounds great) Ok The reason I did was because
I could never find the Multimedia Audio control for my very old creative
sound card. and it didn't have the quality of sound I was looking for. So
thinking that a new sound card would come with it's own Multimedia Audio
Control, I was surprised to see the yellow exclamation point for my new card
at Multimedia audio Control.. either this is old from the other sound card,
or I have the same problem with the new card.
does this make sense?
Questions are.
In Device Manager...
How do I uninstall it..
if I do.. when windows boots, it comes right back with the exclamation
point! and tries to install the driver which I don't have and can't find.
I can disable it, but I don't think that is good either!
If I need the multimedia audio control, where do I get it?
I have been to creative sound blaster website and put in search Multimedia
audio Control and they don't have such a thing.. or.... I can't find it..
help!!! please.... Appreciate good technical advice always.. thanks
hugs Rainy
Windows xp home oem
Blaster X FI Extreme Audio. (sounds great) Ok The reason I did was because
I could never find the Multimedia Audio control for my very old creative
sound card. and it didn't have the quality of sound I was looking for. So
thinking that a new sound card would come with it's own Multimedia Audio
Control, I was surprised to see the yellow exclamation point for my new card
at Multimedia audio Control.. either this is old from the other sound card,
or I have the same problem with the new card.

Questions are.
In Device Manager...
How do I uninstall it..
if I do.. when windows boots, it comes right back with the exclamation
point! and tries to install the driver which I don't have and can't find.
I can disable it, but I don't think that is good either!
If I need the multimedia audio control, where do I get it?
I have been to creative sound blaster website and put in search Multimedia
audio Control and they don't have such a thing.. or.... I can't find it..
help!!! please.... Appreciate good technical advice always.. thanks
hugs Rainy
Windows xp home oem