Stan Sainte-Rose
How can I display a multiline content into a Datagrid column ?
The datagrid that I use, displays 2 columns. The first display a code , and
the second, a description.
The description can use 1 or several lines (so the size is not fixed).
The other question is about the AlternatingBackColor.
I change the color of the alternatingbackcolor but when I add lines into my
datagrid, it only uses the same backcolor.
How can I display a multiline content into a Datagrid column ?
The datagrid that I use, displays 2 columns. The first display a code , and
the second, a description.
The description can use 1 or several lines (so the size is not fixed).
The other question is about the AlternatingBackColor.
I change the color of the alternatingbackcolor but when I add lines into my
datagrid, it only uses the same backcolor.