Here is a multiline datagrid column I have been working on. Hope it
Imports System.Reflection
Public Class MultiLineColumn
Inherits DataGridTextBoxColumn
Private mTxtAlign As HorizontalAlignment
Private mDrawTxt As New StringFormat
Private mbAdjustHeight As Boolean = True
Dim dg As DataGrid
Private arHeights As ArrayList
Private Sub GetHeightList()
Dim mi As MethodInfo = dg.GetType().GetMethod("get_DataGridRows",
BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy Or BindingFlags.IgnoreCase Or
BindingFlags.Instance Or BindingFlags.NonPublic Or BindingFlags.Public Or
Dim dgra As Array = CType(mi.Invoke(Me.dg, Nothing), Array)
arHeights = New ArrayList
Dim dgRowHeight As Object
For Each dgRowHeight In dgra
If dgRowHeight.ToString().EndsWith("DataGridRelationshipRow") = True Then
End If
End Sub
Public Sub New()
mTxtAlign = HorizontalAlignment.Left
mDrawTxt.Alignment = StringAlignment.Near
End Sub
Protected Overloads Overrides Sub Edit(ByVal source As
System.Windows.Forms.CurrencyManager, ByVal rowNum As Integer, ByVal bounds
As System.Drawing.Rectangle, ByVal [readOnly] As Boolean, ByVal instantText
As String, ByVal cellIsVisible As Boolean)
MyBase.Edit(source, rowNum, bounds, [readOnly], instantText, cellIsVisible)
MyBase.TextBox.TextAlign = mTxtAlign
MyBase.TextBox.Multiline = mbAdjustHeight
End Sub
Protected Overloads Overrides Sub Paint(ByVal g As System.Drawing.Graphics,
ByVal bounds As System.Drawing.Rectangle, ByVal source As
System.Windows.Forms.CurrencyManager, ByVal rowNum As Integer, ByVal
backBrush As System.Drawing.Brush, ByVal foreBrush As System.Drawing.Brush,
ByVal alignToRight As Boolean)
Static bPainted As Boolean = False
If Not bPainted Then
dg = Me.DataGridTableStyle.DataGrid
End If
'clear the cell
g.FillRectangle(backBrush, bounds)
'draw the value
Dim s As String = Me.GetColumnValueAtRow([source], rowNum).ToString()
Dim r As New RectangleF(bounds.X, bounds.Y, bounds.Width, bounds.Height)
r.Inflate(0, -1)
' get the height column should be
Dim sDraw As SizeF = g.MeasureString(s, Me.TextBox.Font, Me.Width, mDrawTxt)
Dim h As Integer = sDraw.Height + 15
If mbAdjustHeight Then
Dim pi As PropertyInfo = arHeights(rowNum).GetType().GetProperty("Height")
' get current height
Dim curHeight As Integer = pi.GetValue(arHeights(rowNum), Nothing)
' adjust height
If h > curHeight Then
pi.SetValue(arHeights(rowNum), h, Nothing)
End If
' row not in index recreate list
' one last try
Dim pi As PropertyInfo = arHeights(rowNum).GetType().GetProperty("Height")
Dim curHeight As Integer = pi.GetValue(arHeights(rowNum), Nothing)
If h > curHeight Then
pi.SetValue(arHeights(rowNum), h, Nothing)
End If
' something wrong leave default height
End Try
End Try
End If
g.DrawString(s, MyBase.TextBox.Font, foreBrush, r, mDrawTxt)
bPainted = True
End Sub
Public Property DataAlignment() As HorizontalAlignment
Return mTxtAlign
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As HorizontalAlignment)
mTxtAlign = Value
If mTxtAlign = HorizontalAlignment.Center Then
mDrawTxt.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center
ElseIf mTxtAlign = HorizontalAlignment.Right Then
mDrawTxt.Alignment = StringAlignment.Far
mDrawTxt.Alignment = StringAlignment.Near
End If
End Set
End Property
Public Property AutoAdjustHeight() As Boolean
Return mbAdjustHeight
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As Boolean)
mbAdjustHeight = Value
End Try
End Set
End Property
End Class