Multilevel list vs Chapter headings

Nov 26, 2009
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I am trying to write a long multichapter thesis. I guess I'll use three headings, where Heading 1 is say:

"1. Introduction"

and Heading 2 would be:

"1.2 Major Details"

and Heading 3 would be:

"1.2.4 Minor Details"

I don't want to go deeper than three headings I think.

So, how do I set it up so that I can fuse heading styles with multilevel lists? I'd start by typing the title of the first chapter, selecting the text, and clicking Heading 1. I want that chapter to automatically get number 1 before it. Then each subsequent time I select heading one I want the numbers to increase.

Likewise for Heading 2 and Heading 3, they should behave according to the headings above them in the hierarchy. So each time I add Heading 2 text the numbers go up.

How do I do that? I can't understand at all how to make the numbers automatically increase each time I choose a heading.
