3. I am using a Yahoo webhosting service and the server has "FrontPage
As said, if you could use server scripting that would make life a lot
easier. Do a quick test, but starting a new page, in HTML view enter into
the body section
It is now <% = now %>
Save this file as test.asp and call it live from the server. If you see the
server time ASP works for you.
Any help forming a concept for the structure would be GREAT!
I think structure depends on what infra structure you can use.
Q. Again the question arises, do I use subwebs? How about include pages?
See Thomas response. If you want to use include pages you need sub webs as
the navigation would be different between languages.
Q. Is there a way to make it REALLY easy to then make updates to both
"sites" efficiently?
Server code could help you here. Frontpage does not offer much built-in
magic to make this happen. Well I am not aware of any.
Q. Do I just have a single (English or German) home page for the domain
then refers to the structure of the other "sites" (building them
independently), or do I have one as the "main" language, and then some
of subweb for the other one?
Well you'd need to start with something. Hence a "main web" and a sub web
seem indicated.
Q. Is there anything I need to know that could bite me if I'm not on top
I am still torn on the idea of two webs. In the long run you need to
maintain both content and design twice and make sure both match.
We have some work in progress at
http://www.karimani.de.vu the automatic
language detection works. Navigation is partially translated and all pages
await translation and fine tuning. But overall page maintenance, etc. is all
done in Frontpage (by my wife).