Multilanguage application VB.NET

  • Thread starter Thread starter Pianto Tardivo
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Pianto Tardivo

I'm new in multilanguage applicatione developement and I'm quite
worried about it...
I've solved the problem to translate at runtime any label and any message.
I'm worried about the format of the dates and of the numbers...and measure
How may I solve this problem?
I know that the question needs a big answer and the ng is not the right
But if you can just give me an advise, a web link, or something else, I may
begin to solve this problem.....
Any advice will be very appreciated!!!!!


Le informazioni contenute nella presente e-mail ed in ogni eventuale file
allegato sono riservate e comunque destinate esclusivamente alla persona o
azienda sopra indicati. La diffusione, distribuzione, copiatura della mail
trasmessa da parte di persona diversa dal destinatario non sono consentite,
salvo autorizzazione espressa. Non permettendo Internet di assicurare
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per errore vi preghiamo di eliminarla dai vostri archivi e darne
comunicazione al mittente.

Be aware that multilanguage application is something else then multiculture

Net is by default multiculture, not multilanguage. As long as a user does
not change his computer settings, then the computer will use in Italy the
italian settings (as in most countries of the EU), in the UK the UK settings
and in the US the US settings.

For languages it is something different, the standards from the OS are used,
but if you wants your own text multilanguage, then you need then to know the
other language (very well), but can use the propertie for that in the forms,
to create form application in many languages. The problem is, that it is
almost unusable to use, it takes a lot of work, is not consistent etc.

See for the culture settings this part.

I do not see a problem

If you just save these values in a database this might even be a Jet
database ( Access ) or a lightweight SQL solution , SQL server anywhere
would be perfect for the task ( i believe it is now called SQL server
Compact edition ) , This is a file based database from MS ( free to use
with VS ) with a one Dll dependancy without installation requirment (
XCOPY ware )

If you save your dates and numbers in the apropriate fields of there
datatypes ( date in date fields , numeric values with comma`s in decimal
fileds ) the the language dependent settings will be done by the database .

For date values there is also another trick use ISO 8601 format this will
work with anny programming language or database in anny country
store date strings as YYYY-MM-DD get them from storage perfom a parse and
it will always return a valid date

for number formats i do not have such a nice trick , so my recomendation
would be use a database

I was once employed at a company where i wrote a software ( BrakeDisc for
ABS All Brake Systems ) that needed to function on all sorts of systems
this included Russia , Poland , Rumenia , Czech republic , Greece , Israel
etc etc while still beeing one program

Instead of investigateing what sort of currency`s and datae formats they
used ( remember this was in my VB6 days ) the program started the first time
with a language selection menu , so it could translate the labels for the
required language ( you could even translate to another language in
runtime ) and for the rest it just took the system settings , so if in
Russia a person had a $ dollar sign as currency symbol it showed this as
ACCESS converted this automaticly

