Jimmy G.
I am trying in create a query in which an record (i.e., an individual) which
has multiple values in a joined table (i.e., activities in which s/he are
actively interested (e.g., travel, sports, reading, gardening, cooking)
appears as one row but all the associated values appear in separate columns.
I can't do a cross-tab query since the number of unique values are very large
yet the maximum numbers of values that any record had is five. Any
suggestions would be helpful. Thank you.
has multiple values in a joined table (i.e., activities in which s/he are
actively interested (e.g., travel, sports, reading, gardening, cooking)
appears as one row but all the associated values appear in separate columns.
I can't do a cross-tab query since the number of unique values are very large
yet the maximum numbers of values that any record had is five. Any
suggestions would be helpful. Thank you.