hope this is the best place for this.
i am running a query, its actually an SQL Statement from Allen Brown's
Creating an Audit Log. and i get an 3825 runtime error that * cannot be used
on an "insert into" query when the source or destination table contains a
multi-value field.
let not get into why i had the mutli-value field but because of the error it
has been deleted, but i still recieve the error.
when i recreate the SQL in a query use of the * creates the error but if i
select all fileds from the table and drag, it works fine. this is not an
option to handle the SQL in that manner if you look at Allens' audit, thanks
and thank you in advance for your input.
SQL = "INSERT INTO " & sAudTable & " SELECT TOP 1 " & sAudTmpTable & ".*
FROM " & sAudTmpTable & _
" WHERE ([" & sAudTmpTable & "].audType = 'EditFrom') ORDER BY
[" & sAudTmpTable & "].audDate DESC;"
i am running a query, its actually an SQL Statement from Allen Brown's
Creating an Audit Log. and i get an 3825 runtime error that * cannot be used
on an "insert into" query when the source or destination table contains a
multi-value field.
let not get into why i had the mutli-value field but because of the error it
has been deleted, but i still recieve the error.
when i recreate the SQL in a query use of the * creates the error but if i
select all fileds from the table and drag, it works fine. this is not an
option to handle the SQL in that manner if you look at Allens' audit, thanks
and thank you in advance for your input.
SQL = "INSERT INTO " & sAudTable & " SELECT TOP 1 " & sAudTmpTable & ".*
FROM " & sAudTmpTable & _
" WHERE ([" & sAudTmpTable & "].audType = 'EditFrom') ORDER BY
[" & sAudTmpTable & "].audDate DESC;"