Glyn Meek
1) I have an 'animated' graphic window that displays as the application is
loading and doing its initialization. This animation routine is staretd as
a separate thread at the beginning of the Mainform load.
2) The animation form is smaller than the screen and so overlays the main
application window.
3) Rather than have the animation thread terminate when the main application
has finished loading/initializing, I want to have it terminate when a user
selects a menu item from the main application and goe off to do the
appropriate application programming.
4) Everything appears to work well, in that the animation 'animates' (!),
the main application loads and initializes, and the main application form
displays under the animation window and all the menu items appear...
5) None of the main application form menu items appear to be 'live'.
My intention is that the first action taken when one selectes a main
application menu item is to 'kill' the animation thread, but I cannot get to
that point if I cannot recognize a menu click event on the main application
Now, I realize that multithreading has a number of 'gotchas', but I cannot
figure out what I am a) not doing or b) am trying to do but am not allowed
to do.
Anyone help?
Glyn Meek
loading and doing its initialization. This animation routine is staretd as
a separate thread at the beginning of the Mainform load.
2) The animation form is smaller than the screen and so overlays the main
application window.
3) Rather than have the animation thread terminate when the main application
has finished loading/initializing, I want to have it terminate when a user
selects a menu item from the main application and goe off to do the
appropriate application programming.
4) Everything appears to work well, in that the animation 'animates' (!),
the main application loads and initializes, and the main application form
displays under the animation window and all the menu items appear...
5) None of the main application form menu items appear to be 'live'.
My intention is that the first action taken when one selectes a main
application menu item is to 'kill' the animation thread, but I cannot get to
that point if I cannot recognize a menu click event on the main application
Now, I realize that multithreading has a number of 'gotchas', but I cannot
figure out what I am a) not doing or b) am trying to do but am not allowed
to do.
Anyone help?
Glyn Meek