There is a common way to deal with deadlock using timeouts to obtain
multiple locks (In java, there is a tryLock for that). I wonder about
common ways to avoid deadlock prevalent in CSharp. Is there tryLock.
What are the tools .NET provides to deal with them.
I am designing an application where I have a lot of distinct, yet
cooperative, components interacting with each other in a atomic way.
Hence I am looking for patterns and models that specifically
target .NET platform to avoid deadlocks.
multiple locks (In java, there is a tryLock for that). I wonder about
common ways to avoid deadlock prevalent in CSharp. Is there tryLock.
What are the tools .NET provides to deal with them.
I am designing an application where I have a lot of distinct, yet
cooperative, components interacting with each other in a atomic way.
Hence I am looking for patterns and models that specifically
target .NET platform to avoid deadlocks.