The backoffice also has Raid5. So everytime a record is written I have
the record written to both backend databases.
Right, but if due to a network glitch, and you corrupt the back end
database, then your mirror will simply "mirror" that corruption. I suppose
having a mirror is great if one hard drive goes down, but, if a user were to
delete the file, then the mirror would also simply follow that and delete
the file also.
I am also using all unbound forms.
why? For what reason would you waste all that time and resources? While vb6,
or has great tools for un-bound forms (all kinds of wizards etc),
ms-access has NO provisions for un-bound forms, and has no wizards. Further,
by using un-bound forms, you loose the ability to use the on-dirty, before
update, after update..and a bazillion events designed for data bound forms.
When you drop bound forms, you can't use 99% of the forms features, and you
have no wizards or data connecting systems like you do in vb. Essentially,
your backed yourself into a corner, dropped all of the productive tools
built into ms-access, but replaced them with nothing that saves you
development cost.
You basically increased the cost of development beyond that of using
standard tools. In effect, you wasting company resources and time..or simply
money that could be used to feed the poor.
ms-access is about the worst choice when you use un-bound forms, and further
it don't reduce corruption, and generally does not increase performance