Multi-sheet totals

  • Thread starter Thread starter Jim M
  • Start date Start date

Jim M

Hi folks,

I'm fairly new to the "joys" of Excel and would appreciate some advice.

I have a multi-sheet workbook. Each sheet has a cell (the same cell on
every sheet), let's call it "D2", with a "total" for that sheet.

Is there a *simple* way of adding up all the "D2's" in the workbook and
putting that sum on the last page? Ideally I want it to keep adding up
all the "D2" cells, even when I add new sheets.

At the moment I'm using the old =SUM('sheet1'!D2+'sheet2'!D2) trick,
but I'm getting a bit sick of manually adding sheet names to that

I'm on Excel Mac, by the way. Dunno if that matters...


In the last sheet type
Then select the first sheet and cell i.e. Sheet1!D2
Whilst holding the shift key click the final sheet and press enter.

You will get the forumla =SUM(Sheet1:Sheet10!D2).

That will sum all sheets 1 to 10 for the cell D2

Nick said:

In the last sheet type
Then select the first sheet and cell i.e. Sheet1!D2
Whilst holding the shift key click the final sheet and press enter.

You will get the forumla =SUM(Sheet1:Sheet10!D2).

That will sum all sheets 1 to 10 for the cell D2

Brilliant, that works great thanks.

More inane questions coming soon...!

Since you say that you are constantly adding new sheets, take notice of the
end of this old post:



Please keep all correspondence within the Group, so all may benefit!

Nick said:

In the last sheet type
Then select the first sheet and cell i.e. Sheet1!D2
Whilst holding the shift key click the final sheet and press enter.

You will get the forumla =SUM(Sheet1:Sheet10!D2).

That will sum all sheets 1 to 10 for the cell D2

Brilliant, that works great thanks.

More inane questions coming soon...!

Thanks for the feed-back ... but ... don't you really think that GREAT is
perhaps a more accurate assessment of these XL groups?<vbg>
Ragdyer said:
Thanks for the feed-back ... but ... don't you really think that GREAT is
perhaps a more accurate assessment of these XL groups?<vbg>

I will withold that until someone answers my other question! <ebg>
