Multi selection in List Box

  • Thread starter Thread starter Berny
  • Start date Start date


Can anyone point me in the right direction (samples) on how to code multi
seletions in a Forms list box that filters the criteria in a report?
Berny said:
Can anyone point me in the right direction (samples) on how to code multi
seletions in a Forms list box that filters the criteria in a report?


1)[lstControlName] is the ListBox referenceName
2)[strCriteria] can be " AND " or " OR "..... remember space before and
3)I suppose that filedType is Text, if Numeric remove chr(34)
Dim MyCriteria as String
MyCriteria=retFilter("FieldName", " AND ")

Use this string to put it on WHERE condition of OPENREPORT method

Private Function retFilter(fieldName as string, strCriteria as string) as
Dim vItm As Variant
Dim stWhat As String
Dim stCriteria As String
stWhat = ""
For Each vItm In Me.lstControlName.ItemsSelected
stWhat = stWhat & "[" & fieldName & "]=" & chr(34) &
Me.lstPrint.ItemData(vItm) & chr(34) & stCriteria
Next vItm
retFilter=Mid$(stWath, 1, Len(stWath)-Len(strCriteria))
End Function

Hope this help you.