My objective was to use a form to execute a db query object filtered by a
multi-select listbox control. While I've been an application developer for a
long time, I haven't done much VBA (or VB). The the code below (from the
button on click event) gets it done, but did I make it harder than I had too
(with the understanding that I wanted to leave the SQL in a query object)?
I'd give credit to those that gave me input (many of which were fom this
forum), but they are numerous at this point. Thanks to all!
' Read the SQL from an existing Query Object and insert
' parameter values into the IN clause of the SQL from a
' multi-value (select) listbox forms object.
' It does this by locating the IN clause in the SQL and replaces
' current parameter list with a new list.
' It requires a minimal IN criteria list be initially coded in
' the query.
Private Sub Command3_Click()
Dim sqlStr As String ' SQL from query object
Dim sqlNew As String ' New SQL statement being built
Dim qryName As String ' name of the query object
Dim tblCol As String ' db table column name being searched
Dim selPos As Integer ' index into SQL statement
Dim frm As Form ' pointer to current (calling) form
Dim frmName As String ' name of the current (calling) form
Dim ctl As Control ' multi-select listbox control
Dim varItem As Variant ' used to parse the selected listbox entries
Set frm = Screen.ActiveForm ' Save pointer to calling form
frmName = frm.Name ' Save the name of the calling form
' !!!! Change following statements when duplicating !!!!
Set ctl = frm!System ' Multi-Value listbox control
qryName = "Query2" ' Query to be executed by this form
tblCol = "System" ' DB Table filter column
If ctl.ItemsSelected.Count = 0 Then ' kick out an error if no listbox
entries were selected
MsgBox "No entries selected from list." & Chr(10) & Chr(10) & _
"At least one entry must be selected." & Chr(10) & _
"Select multiple entries by holding the CTL key.", vbExclamation
GoTo getout
End If
DoCmd.Close acQuery, qryName, acSaveYes ' Close the db query object if
it is open
sqlStr = CurrentDb.QueryDefs(qryName).SQL ' save local copy of SQL to be
sqlStr = Replace(sqlStr, Chr(10), " ") ' Strip out the LF Access sticks
into the text.
' Split current SQL statement at the "(" on the IN list
' Find the start of the selection IN list within the current SQL's WHERE
selPos = InStr(sqlStr, " WHERE")
If selPos > 0 Then
selPos = InStr(selPos, sqlStr, tblCol) ' Find filter column name in
the where clause
If selPos > 0 Then ' Then its associated "IN"
selPos = selPos + Len(selFld) + InStr(Mid(sqlStr, selPos +
Len(selFld), 5), "IN")
If selPos > 0 Then
selPos = InStr(selPos, sqlStr, "(") ' and last the start of the
selection criteria
End If
End If
End If
If selPos = 0 Then ' kick out an error if the filter criteria cannot be
found in the SQL
MsgBox "Query execution error." & Chr(10) & Chr(10) & _
"No WHERE or IN list in Query" & Chr(10) & _
"or VBA code mis-match!", vbExclamation
GoTo getout
End If
sqlNew = Left(sqlStr, InStr(selPos, sqlStr, "(")) ' Copy SQL statement up
to the " IN " statement
For Each varItem In ctl.ItemsSelected ' load the selected listbox control
entries into the query
sqlNew = sqlNew & """"
sqlNew = sqlNew & ctl.ItemData(varItem)
sqlNew = sqlNew & ""","
Next varItem
' Concatenate the remainder of original SQL Statement with the new statement
' backing up over the last "," in the new statement
sqlNew = Left(sqlNew, Len(sqlNew) - 1) & Mid(sqlStr, InStr(selPos, sqlStr,
CurrentDb.QueryDefs(qryName).SQL = sqlNew ' Load new SQL statement back to
db Query Object
DoCmd.OpenQuery qryName ' Execute Query Object
DoCmd.Close acForm, frmName ' Close the calling form
End Sub
multi-select listbox control. While I've been an application developer for a
long time, I haven't done much VBA (or VB). The the code below (from the
button on click event) gets it done, but did I make it harder than I had too
(with the understanding that I wanted to leave the SQL in a query object)?
I'd give credit to those that gave me input (many of which were fom this
forum), but they are numerous at this point. Thanks to all!
' Read the SQL from an existing Query Object and insert
' parameter values into the IN clause of the SQL from a
' multi-value (select) listbox forms object.
' It does this by locating the IN clause in the SQL and replaces
' current parameter list with a new list.
' It requires a minimal IN criteria list be initially coded in
' the query.
Private Sub Command3_Click()
Dim sqlStr As String ' SQL from query object
Dim sqlNew As String ' New SQL statement being built
Dim qryName As String ' name of the query object
Dim tblCol As String ' db table column name being searched
Dim selPos As Integer ' index into SQL statement
Dim frm As Form ' pointer to current (calling) form
Dim frmName As String ' name of the current (calling) form
Dim ctl As Control ' multi-select listbox control
Dim varItem As Variant ' used to parse the selected listbox entries
Set frm = Screen.ActiveForm ' Save pointer to calling form
frmName = frm.Name ' Save the name of the calling form
' !!!! Change following statements when duplicating !!!!
Set ctl = frm!System ' Multi-Value listbox control
qryName = "Query2" ' Query to be executed by this form
tblCol = "System" ' DB Table filter column
If ctl.ItemsSelected.Count = 0 Then ' kick out an error if no listbox
entries were selected
MsgBox "No entries selected from list." & Chr(10) & Chr(10) & _
"At least one entry must be selected." & Chr(10) & _
"Select multiple entries by holding the CTL key.", vbExclamation
GoTo getout
End If
DoCmd.Close acQuery, qryName, acSaveYes ' Close the db query object if
it is open
sqlStr = CurrentDb.QueryDefs(qryName).SQL ' save local copy of SQL to be
sqlStr = Replace(sqlStr, Chr(10), " ") ' Strip out the LF Access sticks
into the text.
' Split current SQL statement at the "(" on the IN list
' Find the start of the selection IN list within the current SQL's WHERE
selPos = InStr(sqlStr, " WHERE")
If selPos > 0 Then
selPos = InStr(selPos, sqlStr, tblCol) ' Find filter column name in
the where clause
If selPos > 0 Then ' Then its associated "IN"
selPos = selPos + Len(selFld) + InStr(Mid(sqlStr, selPos +
Len(selFld), 5), "IN")
If selPos > 0 Then
selPos = InStr(selPos, sqlStr, "(") ' and last the start of the
selection criteria
End If
End If
End If
If selPos = 0 Then ' kick out an error if the filter criteria cannot be
found in the SQL
MsgBox "Query execution error." & Chr(10) & Chr(10) & _
"No WHERE or IN list in Query" & Chr(10) & _
"or VBA code mis-match!", vbExclamation
GoTo getout
End If
sqlNew = Left(sqlStr, InStr(selPos, sqlStr, "(")) ' Copy SQL statement up
to the " IN " statement
For Each varItem In ctl.ItemsSelected ' load the selected listbox control
entries into the query
sqlNew = sqlNew & """"
sqlNew = sqlNew & ctl.ItemData(varItem)
sqlNew = sqlNew & ""","
Next varItem
' Concatenate the remainder of original SQL Statement with the new statement
' backing up over the last "," in the new statement
sqlNew = Left(sqlNew, Len(sqlNew) - 1) & Mid(sqlStr, InStr(selPos, sqlStr,
CurrentDb.QueryDefs(qryName).SQL = sqlNew ' Load new SQL statement back to
db Query Object
DoCmd.OpenQuery qryName ' Execute Query Object
DoCmd.Close acForm, frmName ' Close the calling form
End Sub