I have been through all the posts in both Forms forums on this site looking
for my answer but don't seem to be finding it.
I have a Select Query that is being used in Datasheet, Edit mode.
I originally created a form called FMCHDETAILS that allows the user to:
1. Select CLientName from a combo list box (lstClient)
2. enter a date range using seperate date fields (between beginning date and
ending date)
3. Click on cmd button to run query.
the Criteria fields in the query are set to:
ClientName = [Forms]![fmchdetails].[lstClient]
Date = Between [Forms]![fmchdetails]![Beginning Date] and
[Forms]![fmchdetails]![Ending Date]
All is working fine, but now the user would like to select more than one
ClientName each time the query is run.
I know I have to change the combo box to a list box and change the
MultiSelect to Simple.
I found information on the forum relating to using a multi select list box
passing information to an underlying query and displaying the results as a
report (which I used for a report and it works great!)
But I can't find any information that works with passing the criteria from
my form to a query and displaying the filtered records for editing.
Can this be done?
for my answer but don't seem to be finding it.
I have a Select Query that is being used in Datasheet, Edit mode.
I originally created a form called FMCHDETAILS that allows the user to:
1. Select CLientName from a combo list box (lstClient)
2. enter a date range using seperate date fields (between beginning date and
ending date)
3. Click on cmd button to run query.
the Criteria fields in the query are set to:
ClientName = [Forms]![fmchdetails].[lstClient]
Date = Between [Forms]![fmchdetails]![Beginning Date] and
[Forms]![fmchdetails]![Ending Date]
All is working fine, but now the user would like to select more than one
ClientName each time the query is run.
I know I have to change the combo box to a list box and change the
MultiSelect to Simple.
I found information on the forum relating to using a multi select list box
passing information to an underlying query and displaying the results as a
report (which I used for a report and it works great!)
But I can't find any information that works with passing the criteria from
my form to a query and displaying the filtered records for editing.
Can this be done?