Multi Select List Box question

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I have the following code linked to a multi select list box (LstPupils):


Set ctl = Forms!SelectReview.LstPupils

For Each varitm In ctl.ItemsSelected
strPupilID = ctl.ItemData(varitm)

strsql1 = " SELECT PupilData.PupilID, PupilData.Surname, PupilData.Forename,
PupilData.Gender, " & _
" PupilData.DateOfBirth, PupilData.YearGroup, PupilData.TutorGroup,
PupilData.Active," & _
" StudentAddresses.[Parental Salutation], StudentAddresses.AddressBlock,
StudentAddresses.LetterText, Teachers.TeacherID, " & _
" Teachers!Title & ' ' & Left(Teachers!Forename,1) & ' ' &
Teachers!Surname AS TeacherName" & _
" FROM Teachers, PupilData INNER JOIN StudentAddresses ON
PupilData.PupilID = StudentAddresses.PupilID"

strWhere = "((PupilData.PupilID = '" & strPupilID & "') And
(PupilData.Active) = Yes) And (Teachers.TeacherID = GetCurrentTeacher())"
strOrder = " PupilData.Surname, PupilData.Forename"

strSQL = strsql1 & " WHERE " & strWhere & " ORDER BY " & strOrder

Next varitm

Debug.Print strSQL

MergeAllWord strSQL, "MergeTemplates"


The code listed just runs the last selected record.
What do I need to change to run all the selected records?

Note: The final line of code runs a mail merge function as supplied by
Albert Kallal
ridders said:

I have the following code linked to a multi select list box


Set ctl = Forms!SelectReview.LstPupils

For Each varitm In ctl.ItemsSelected
strPupilID = ctl.ItemData(varitm)

strsql1 = " SELECT PupilData.PupilID, PupilData.Surname,
PupilData.Forename, PupilData.Gender, " & _
" PupilData.DateOfBirth, PupilData.YearGroup, PupilData.TutorGroup,
PupilData.Active," & _
" StudentAddresses.[Parental Salutation],
StudentAddresses.AddressBlock, StudentAddresses.LetterText,
Teachers.TeacherID, " & _ " Teachers!Title & ' ' &
Left(Teachers!Forename,1) & ' ' &
Teachers!Surname AS TeacherName" & _
" FROM Teachers, PupilData INNER JOIN StudentAddresses ON
PupilData.PupilID = StudentAddresses.PupilID"

strWhere = "((PupilData.PupilID = '" & strPupilID & "') And
(PupilData.Active) = Yes) And (Teachers.TeacherID =
GetCurrentTeacher())" strOrder = " PupilData.Surname,

strSQL = strsql1 & " WHERE " & strWhere & " ORDER BY " & strOrder

Next varitm

Debug.Print strSQL

MergeAllWord strSQL, "MergeTemplates"


The code listed just runs the last selected record.
What do I need to change to run all the selected records?

Note: The final line of code runs a mail merge function as supplied by
Albert Kallal

You need to make a list of the selected PupilIDs and let your SQL
statement select all records with PupilIDs in that list. Try this:

'----- start of revised code -----
Set ctl = Forms!SelectReview.LstPupils

For Each varitm In ctl.ItemsSelected

strPupilID = strPupil & ", '" & ctl.ItemData(varitm) & "'"

Next varitm

Select Case ctl.ItemsSelected.Count
Case 0
MsgBox "No pupils selected."
Exit Sub
Case 1
strPupilID = " = " & Mid(strPupilID, 3)
Case Else
strPupilID = " In (" & Mid(strPupilID, 3) &")"
End Select

strsql1 = _
"SELECT PupilData.PupilID, PupilData.Surname, " & _
"PupilData.Forename, PupilData.Gender, PupilData.DateOfBirth, " & _
"PupilData.YearGroup, PupilData.TutorGroup, PupilData.Active, " & _
"StudentAddresses.[Parental Salutation], " & _
"StudentAddresses.AddressBlock, " & _
"StudentAddresses.LetterText, Teachers.TeacherID, " & _
"Teachers.Title & ' ' & Left(Teachers.Forename,1) " & _
"& ' ' & Teachers.Surname AS TeacherName " & _
"FROM Teachers, PupilData INNER JOIN StudentAddresses " & _
"ON PupilData.PupilID = StudentAddresses.PupilID"

strWhere = _
"((PupilData.PupilID " & strPupilID & ") And " & _
"(PupilData.Active) = Yes) " & _
"And (Teachers.TeacherID = GetCurrentTeacher())"

strOrder = "PupilData.Surname, PupilData.Forename"

strSQL = strsql1 & " WHERE " & strWhere & " ORDER BY " & strOrder

Debug.Print strSQL

MergeAllWord strSQL, "MergeTemplates"
'----- end of revised code -----

Note: I may have mucked up your SQL statement in reformatting it for
readability. I'm not sure about that SQL statement, though -- you've
got the Teachers table included in the query with no join, which is
probably going to mean a cross-product of all teachers with all
Hi Dirk

This was just what I needed!
This worked with justy a couple of minor changes:

a) I added a line at the start : strPupilID ="" to clear any lists chosen
b) Correction to this line so the string is identical before & after = sign:
strPupilID = strPupilID & ", '" & ctl.ItemData(varitm) & "'"

You were very observant with regards to the SQL.
In fact the Teachers table is not linked as its purpose is just to import
the TeacherID & Teacher Name of the currently logged on teacher so these are
used at the end of the mail merge letter. This would be the same signature
for all the letters produced at that time. If another teacher is logged on,
their name is appended instead.

Thanks very much for your trouble
Dirk Goldgar said:
ridders said:

I have the following code linked to a multi select list box


Set ctl = Forms!SelectReview.LstPupils

For Each varitm In ctl.ItemsSelected
strPupilID = ctl.ItemData(varitm)

strsql1 = " SELECT PupilData.PupilID, PupilData.Surname,
PupilData.Forename, PupilData.Gender, " & _
" PupilData.DateOfBirth, PupilData.YearGroup, PupilData.TutorGroup,
PupilData.Active," & _
" StudentAddresses.[Parental Salutation],
StudentAddresses.AddressBlock, StudentAddresses.LetterText,
Teachers.TeacherID, " & _ " Teachers!Title & ' ' &
Left(Teachers!Forename,1) & ' ' &
Teachers!Surname AS TeacherName" & _
" FROM Teachers, PupilData INNER JOIN StudentAddresses ON
PupilData.PupilID = StudentAddresses.PupilID"

strWhere = "((PupilData.PupilID = '" & strPupilID & "') And
(PupilData.Active) = Yes) And (Teachers.TeacherID =
GetCurrentTeacher())" strOrder = " PupilData.Surname,

strSQL = strsql1 & " WHERE " & strWhere & " ORDER BY " & strOrder

Next varitm

Debug.Print strSQL

MergeAllWord strSQL, "MergeTemplates"


The code listed just runs the last selected record.
What do I need to change to run all the selected records?

Note: The final line of code runs a mail merge function as supplied by
Albert Kallal

You need to make a list of the selected PupilIDs and let your SQL
statement select all records with PupilIDs in that list. Try this:

'----- start of revised code -----
Set ctl = Forms!SelectReview.LstPupils

For Each varitm In ctl.ItemsSelected

strPupilID = strPupil & ", '" & ctl.ItemData(varitm) & "'"

Next varitm

Select Case ctl.ItemsSelected.Count
Case 0
MsgBox "No pupils selected."
Exit Sub
Case 1
strPupilID = " = " & Mid(strPupilID, 3)
Case Else
strPupilID = " In (" & Mid(strPupilID, 3) &")"
End Select

strsql1 = _
"SELECT PupilData.PupilID, PupilData.Surname, " & _
"PupilData.Forename, PupilData.Gender, PupilData.DateOfBirth, " & _
"PupilData.YearGroup, PupilData.TutorGroup, PupilData.Active, " & _
"StudentAddresses.[Parental Salutation], " & _
"StudentAddresses.AddressBlock, " & _
"StudentAddresses.LetterText, Teachers.TeacherID, " & _
"Teachers.Title & ' ' & Left(Teachers.Forename,1) " & _
"& ' ' & Teachers.Surname AS TeacherName " & _
"FROM Teachers, PupilData INNER JOIN StudentAddresses " & _
"ON PupilData.PupilID = StudentAddresses.PupilID"

strWhere = _
"((PupilData.PupilID " & strPupilID & ") And " & _
"(PupilData.Active) = Yes) " & _
"And (Teachers.TeacherID = GetCurrentTeacher())"

strOrder = "PupilData.Surname, PupilData.Forename"

strSQL = strsql1 & " WHERE " & strWhere & " ORDER BY " & strOrder

Debug.Print strSQL

MergeAllWord strSQL, "MergeTemplates"
'----- end of revised code -----

Note: I may have mucked up your SQL statement in reformatting it for
readability. I'm not sure about that SQL statement, though -- you've
got the Teachers table included in the query with no join, which is
probably going to mean a cross-product of all teachers with all

Dirk Goldgar, MS Access MVP

(please reply to the newsgroup)