I have a module that builds a sql statement to run a select query. I am
having issues with the code that builds the In clause from the list box. All
it is placing is the comma between each item selected in the list box. I
know at one time you could only used numerics in an In statement but I
thought that after office 97 this was set to accept alpha/numerics. Here is
the code I am using
Dim varItem As Variant
Dim strSQL As String
Dim strWhere As String
Dim strWhere1 As String
strSQL = "Select * from tblSegmentOutput_Test"
strWhere = strWhere & " WHERE [QuoteNumber] = " & "'" & Me.txtQuote &
"'" & _
" AND [Revision] = " & "'" & Me.txtRevision & "'" & _
" AND [LineNumber] = " & "'" & Me.txtLine & "'"
For Each varItem In Me.Controls!txtSegments.ItemsSelected
strWhere1 = strWhere1 & Me.Controls!txtSegments.ItemData(varItem) &
", "
Next varItem
If Len(strWhere) > 0 Then
strSQL = strSQL & strWhere & " AND [SegmentName] In (" & _
Left$(strWhere1, Len(strWhere1) - 2) & ")"
End If
Here is the output from strSQL
Select * from tblSegmentOutput_Test WHERE [QuoteNumber] = 'S-18859' AND
[Revision] = '0' AND [LineNumber] = '1' AND [SegmentName] In (, , , )
In this case I had 4 items selected. I only get nulls on this line
? Me.Controls!txtSegments.ItemData(varItem)
having issues with the code that builds the In clause from the list box. All
it is placing is the comma between each item selected in the list box. I
know at one time you could only used numerics in an In statement but I
thought that after office 97 this was set to accept alpha/numerics. Here is
the code I am using
Dim varItem As Variant
Dim strSQL As String
Dim strWhere As String
Dim strWhere1 As String
strSQL = "Select * from tblSegmentOutput_Test"
strWhere = strWhere & " WHERE [QuoteNumber] = " & "'" & Me.txtQuote &
"'" & _
" AND [Revision] = " & "'" & Me.txtRevision & "'" & _
" AND [LineNumber] = " & "'" & Me.txtLine & "'"
For Each varItem In Me.Controls!txtSegments.ItemsSelected
strWhere1 = strWhere1 & Me.Controls!txtSegments.ItemData(varItem) &
", "
Next varItem
If Len(strWhere) > 0 Then
strSQL = strSQL & strWhere & " AND [SegmentName] In (" & _
Left$(strWhere1, Len(strWhere1) - 2) & ")"
End If
Here is the output from strSQL
Select * from tblSegmentOutput_Test WHERE [QuoteNumber] = 'S-18859' AND
[Revision] = '0' AND [LineNumber] = '1' AND [SegmentName] In (, , , )
In this case I had 4 items selected. I only get nulls on this line
? Me.Controls!txtSegments.ItemData(varItem)