Multi PC / Monitor environment

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Hi specialists,

I want to interact between several powerpoint sessions.
My environment are 3 XP machines and one SBS2003 connected togeher in one domain. 2 of them are equiped with double video cards. (looks cool)
On all machines I want to run different powerpoint sessions.
Is it possible to command from one session to another?

Any help or hints welcome!



As far as I know, you can only have one instance of PowerPoint running from
a particular machine. So, naturally, you can run different sessions on each
computer, but I'm not sure you can get them to interact with each other. So,
why not put different parts of your one program on different monitors. For
example, PowerPoint on one machine and the animation timeline on another?
Would that help?


Glen Millar
Microsoft PPT MVP
Featured Presenter, PowerPoint Live 2004
October 10-13, San Diego CA

Frans said:
Hi specialists,

I want to interact between several powerpoint sessions.
My environment are 3 XP machines and one SBS2003 connected togeher in one
domain. 2 of them are equiped with double video cards. (looks cool)
Is your main aim running multiple slide shows simultaneously through your
setup? In that case, you might want to look at PowerShow at - it will also enable you
to control all running slide shows through a single console.

- Chirag

Shortcut Manager - Assign keyboard shortcuts to menu items and macros

Frans said:
Hi specialists,

I want to interact between several powerpoint sessions.
My environment are 3 XP machines and one SBS2003 connected togeher in one
domain. 2 of them are equiped with double video cards. (looks cool)
An option would be to que/advance all machines simultaneously using a remote
advance system (I recommend the Interlink Navigator). In my environment
(live corporate shows) I control 2-6 computers from one remote. If one
presentation does not advance/change when the others do I build a duplicate
slide with no animation or slide transition so it actually advances on the
computer, but not from the audience view.

If you want to take advantage of the double video cards, look into PowerShow
which will allow you to either extend and make a widescreen presentation
(although it will not be seamless when projected) or allow different
presentations to be run simultaneously and each displayed on a separate

Best Regards,
Troy Chollar
TLC Creative Services, Inc.
www dot tlccreative dot com
troy at tlccreative dot com
Featured Presenter, PowerPoint Live 2004
October 10-13, San Diego, CA