I have four panels on a form and I want them to be docked in a certain order.
No matter if I do it in code or the designer, it does not dock them like I
want. For example, I set Panel1 dock to Top so that it is docked to the top
of the form. I then set Panel2, Panel3, and Panel4 to Top. I would expect
them to be Docked to each other in this order: Panel1, Panel2, Panel3, and
Panel4 from top to bottom, however, it docks them Panel2, Panel3, Panel4,
Panel1 from top to bottom. Any ideas why that is, or how I can correct this?
No matter if I do it in code or the designer, it does not dock them like I
want. For example, I set Panel1 dock to Top so that it is docked to the top
of the form. I then set Panel2, Panel3, and Panel4 to Top. I would expect
them to be Docked to each other in this order: Panel1, Panel2, Panel3, and
Panel4 from top to bottom, however, it docks them Panel2, Panel3, Panel4,
Panel1 from top to bottom. Any ideas why that is, or how I can correct this?