multi page object from excel vba toolkit



quick question - i have a system that uses a multipage object to display a
number of tabs when it is called - it is made up of six tabs - when you call
this form how do you make it show the first tab in the list every time as at
the moment it appears to remember what the user was last on and displays that
tab - simple i know but only if you know the answer

thanks in advance


I don't know the function name/haven't ever been able to create a tabbed form
like you are describing, but there should be an OnShow or Show subroutine,
and there should be some way to designate the "active" tab/sheet/window,
whatever it is called. So in the OnShow routine, if you make the first "tab"
active, it will do that on reentry each time. Perhaps you may want to also
implement a user option to turn that feature on and off if the sheets can be
used in any order.

Sorry, can't help more.


thanks for trying to help - as you can tell by my various posts im writing a
complex excel system and now appear to be stuck on a few small things

for the multipage objext i used the standard toolbox in vba and dragged a
multi page object on - so no rocket science


ok i have the answer to this - its simple if you think about it

if you are working on a multi page form - make sure the tab you want to be
display first by the user is the last tab you edit in the vba environment -
you dont have to set anything just make sure you leave ont he tab you wish to
be used first

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Good work... Should give yourself credit. :)

christopher ward said:
ok i have the answer to this - its simple if you think about it

if you are working on a multi page form - make sure the tab you want to be
display first by the user is the last tab you edit in the vba environment -
you dont have to set anything just make sure you leave ont he tab you wish to
be used first

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