Hello, i have been having problems with my computer lately. 2 days ago
left my pc on standby and when i got back the entire monitor had mult
colored lines. What i did was test this out with more then one monito
to see if it was actually the monitor that was screwed up but it seem
it isn't. I was reading past forums about green lines and red but i a
not getting either of them. I will show you a picture but i am havin
problems on determining what is causing this problem
left my pc on standby and when i got back the entire monitor had mult
colored lines. What i did was test this out with more then one monito
to see if it was actually the monitor that was screwed up but it seem
it isn't. I was reading past forums about green lines and red but i a
not getting either of them. I will show you a picture but i am havin
problems on determining what is causing this problem