I'd like to dessing a DropDownList with 20 colors different among them
and I don't want to appear the name of the color, only the color. The
20 color i'll take from a DatabBase, and on the value of the
DropDownList will be an Hexadecilmal number taken from the DatabBase.
How can I change the "style=background-color" for each Items.
Thaks All
I'd like to dessing a DropDownList with 20 colors different among them
and I don't want to appear the name of the color, only the color. The
20 color i'll take from a DatabBase, and on the value of the
DropDownList will be an Hexadecilmal number taken from the DatabBase.
How can I change the "style=background-color" for each Items.
Thaks All