Mulitple HTTP requests with JSP/servlet Web apps and "Check for newer versions of stored pages"


Wes Gamble


Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I would really like to understand what the inner workings of the
"Check for newer versions of stored pages" options under the Temporary
Internet File settings.

I am developing a JSP/servlet based Web application, and with the
default IE 6 setting of "Automatically" for "Check for newer versions
of stored pages", I would occasionally see anywhere from 2 to 12
requests for the same URL in my app. These would be repeated POSTs
for the same command, and occasionally a GET for the same URL (no
where in the app. is this GET command even issued). Luckily, changing
the setting to "Every visit to the page" resolves my problem.

Based on the limited information I could glean online, there are a lot
of problems with these options. It appears that maybe IE is trying to
pre-cache URLs or something?

Can anyone share details on how these options work with me? And,
additionally, explain why there would be multiple requests being
issued from my browser when "Check for newer versions of stored pages"
is set to "Automatically".

Wes Gamble

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