Interesting. I tested the code, and the problem appears
to be related to the length of the string eddresses, not
the exact number of recipients: running the base query
with different parameters and maxing the query results at
43 records resulted in a string length of 1009 one way
(followhyperlink worked), and a length of 1030 another way
(f/h did not work). Splitting the string into two parts
didn't help.
The first responder to your thread had it right: use
docmd.sendobject. I tried the same code, but switched the
Application.FollowHyperlink ("mailto:" & strEddresses)
DoCmd.SendObject , , , strEddresses
and it handled 333 recipients (length of eddresses was
7700) without a problem. However, sendobject errors if
the user cancels (err 2501), so you need to trap that
error. Also, on the machine I'm on right now (with OL
perhaps not fully configured because I don't use it to
send mail), sendobject or OL pops an annoying dialog
asking you for the profile name.
Sorry to have led you down the wrong path!
- Scott