Personnel Table, i use a three fields: Name, UIC(Which is a number for the
unit), PARA(Which is their job slot)
Then in PMP Table i have DD 93 (Yes/No) SGLV(Yes/No) PQR(Yes/No)
DA2-1(Yes/No) 20 YR (Yes/No/N-A)....etc
My Personnel Tables key SoldierID and my PMP Table's ID is SoldierID. Their
is more tables, but i'm not using them in this query.
Does that help?
Yes... unfortunately it does!
Because your PMP table's structure *IS WRONG* and it will not meet your needs.
Again... a yes/no field cannot be "missing". It cannot be Null. It can only be
YES or NO. It will default to NO.
If these fields are textboxes containing a text string "yes", "no", or "N/A"
or the like you can escape this particular problem.
It will be absolutely impossible to tell if a given soldier in fact has a NO
value for their PQR, or if the PQR checkbox just never got checked.
An additional problem that you can't escape is that if you ever need to add or
change an column in the PMP table you'll need to change the structure of your
table... redesign all the queries which include that table... rebuild all the
forms and reports that use that table... OUCH!!
It would seem that you have a Many to Many relationship from a given soldier
to a whole bunch of "things to check" about that solder - her DD93, her SGLV,
his PQR, etc. etc. The correct way to model this is with a many to many
relationship: a table with one row per "thing to check", related one to many
to a third table with fields for the soldier's unique ID, the ID of the "thing
to check", and possibly other fields (if you need to know something other than
the bare existance of a SGLV value).