Muckshifter's Linux Fiasco..........

Mar 5, 2004
Reaction score
Hilarious, just plain hilarious..........

It was like a guided tour of one man's journey from blissful happiness to becoming a stark raving lunatic!! As i was reading it to begin with i was thinking to myself, "yeah, maybe i'll give linux a shot, i managed to spend 4 years at university avoiding it like the plague and maybe that was harsh, maybe as someone with a degree in computing i should give it a shot". But by the end of your "blog" (did you work out what a blog is yet mate?!) i had realised why i avoided Linux for all that time. It can be the most frustrating OS on the planet!! We used to have to use Latex to write up our reports, and if you excuse the language, why the **** would i want to "programme" a written report?!! I mean, who wants to finish writing a report and go to print it only to find that you have "errors" in it and you have to debug it when you only have 3 minutes until it's due in?!! OK, im being sucked into a Linux rant and have possibly gone as mad as mucks. See you in the padded cell mate! All i wanted to say was, that was funny reading big man. Now, what else can we make Mucks try just for Sh*ts and giggles?!!! ;-)

Well thanks, I was beginning to wonder if anybody was 'reading' the written words. I found it hard to write that Blog.

I had, still have, more questions than answers, not for the want of trying ... there is a 'Linux Mentality' that Linux users have, I aint found it yet. And YES, I have RTFM, all of them on the entire internet.

I don't care what they say ... Linux is trying to be another Windows ... However, you better not think the "Windows Way" or tell a Linux user that Windows does this & that or you will just hit one brick wall after another. For gods sake, get off you're "I am mightier than you" horse crap and give a friggin hand.

No, Linux, still, has a very long way to go before any "average user" could possibly cope. Linux users have told me, they could put Linux on 'problem users of Windows' and never hear from them again ... bollucks. So why then haven't you. :rolleyes:

And before we get any Linux 'fans' spring into defence mode here, just tell me one thing ... when I, the user, installs a peice of software, just tell me ... where did it go? Because I cannot find it, nobody yet, has answered that question.

Any 'respect' I had for a Linux user just went sailing out the window, with one exception ... Bruno is his name, a really nice guy who, with his help, singular and continually beyond any call of duty, steered me to some sort of success. Though I did forget to ask HIM where installed programs like to hide.

I haven't given up on Linux ;), I just gave up writing the 'blog' ... I could reopen but I just don't see any interest there. I don't see an audience so I see no reason to perform, I perform enough around here anyway.

I have just burned Suse 10 to a DVD ... sometime today I will be either here or picking up the pieces of one PC.

Driven Insane by Linux, Mucks. :cool:
Hi Mucks

I for one found your 'blog' very interesting although somewhat beyond my capabilities. Pleae don't think your work was in vain, it was a very helpful insight into Linux.

Take care

Gabs xx
gabriella said:
Hi Mucks

I for one found your 'blog' very interesting although somewhat beyond my capabilities. Please don't think your work was in vain, it was a very helpful insight into Linux.

Take care

Gabs xx
Thank you Gabs ... but it aint over yet. :D

I may re-open and write some more, just a wee bit down in the dumps yesterday, bit better today, and I'll bounce back to my "normal" self eventually. ;)

oh, and don't put yourself down, you would be surprised at what 'capabillities' you have. :cool:
I'd like to try linux after reading about your experiences over the last few weeks, but I don't think I'd be brave enough to do it on anything but a test machine after everything I've now read! I do like those bootable Live CDs, but thats about it for now.

Were you using it on your main machine?
Ian Cunningham said:
I'd like to try linux after reading about your experiences over the last few weeks, but I don't think I'd be brave enough to do it on anything but a test machine after everything I've now read! I do like those bootable Live CDs, but thats about it for now.

Were you using it on your main machine?
Yes, Ian, I only have one PC these days ... don't be put off by one man's 'rantings' but I do strongly suggest anybody who is inquisitive enough to download a few, yes there are quite a few, Linux "Live CD" and have a look ... won't cost you a penny, you won't 'screw up' your Windows, and nor will you loose your sanity. And yes, I did wipe Windows on purpose. ;)

I'm not brave, but needed a challenge to keep my mind working, hehe, certainly doing that, and Linux really fits the bill.

Windows XP is a very stable OS, but people still are under a misapprehension that the word "compatibility" exists sorry, but if you think that you only have yourself to blame.

Linux users think differently ... you need to look for 'compatible' hardware, not because the OS is inapt but because hardware manufacturers will not/do not invest money in writing any drivers ... this is changing, as the likes of nVidia, HP (printers) and a percentage of others realising its potential for, if nothing else, an extra income. Linux 'Disro's' have realised this and it is a good, easy way, to find out how compatable your system is. You'll be surprised at what it can 'see' on your PC. ;)

Linux has a 8% share of the OS market ... we can all make up statistics here, and this is my interpretation of them ... Mac is down to 3% and we all know where Windows is. However, this IS just the "home User" market I'm on about here, so I won't try and tell you about other OS offerings in Industry.

The inner workings of Linux is actually quite simple, it uses simple text files, once you grasp the conception you can "compile" Linux how the hell you want it.

I'm off again, ain't I, I'll shut up. :o

... but before I go, If you have an "older" PC hanging around ... 128Mb ram, 32Mb graphics, 20gig HD, PII 300, AMD K6-2 ... then you CAN breed new life into the 'old clunker' and it will run pretty dam quick too. Oh, and dial-up modems are better now supported, but I strongly suggest at the least getting an external modem. Linux is superb at networking though. ;)
I had installed Linux on every machine in the office just few moths back, it was my decision to do that, in just under one week we started having problems even though we had hired Linux professionals. All we could do was to go back to using windows as the work was suffering. We have not given up on Linux but I think it was a bit early. We will have a go again once we know that the bugs are ironed out and we do not get ino the same mess again.
Im with Ian here, Linux does interest me and i would like to give it a shot, but only on a computer i have lying in the corner of the room that i can tinker with every now and then. I have always maintained that the most important thing for me in a computer is stablility. I like to know that when i turn it on i can do whatever i want to do without any problems!! Im not ready to start scrapping XP for Linux just yet.

These bootable cd's do sound interesting though, is there anywhere in particular to get them from, i.e. are there lots of different versions etc? Oh, hang on, how the hell am i going to boot from cd?!!! :-/ Never mind.
Quadophile said:
I had installed Linux on every machine in the office just few moths back, it was my decision to do that, in just under one week we started having problems even though we had hired Linux professionals. All we could do was to go back to using windows as the work was suffering. We have not given up on Linux but I think it was a bit early. We will have a go again once we know that the bugs are ironed out and we do not get ino the same mess again.
ah, but that was in a different environment to a 'home user' and I would go as far to say your 'professionals' may not have been the best. ;)

I would like to know what version of Linux ... RedHat?
bodhi said:
Im with Ian here, Linux does interest me and i would like to give it a shot, but only on a computer i have lying in the corner of the room that i can tinker with every now and then. I have always maintained that the most important thing for me in a computer is stablility. I like to know that when i turn it on i can do whatever i want to do without any problems!! Im not ready to start scrapping XP for Linux just yet.

These bootable cd's do sound interesting though, is there anywhere in particular to get them from, i.e. are there lots of different versions etc? Oh, hang on, how the hell am i going to boot from cd?!!! :-/ Never mind.
Use a Linux boot floppy ... :p

ah, come on, CDrom drives aint expencive, don't tell me you haven't got a 'spare' CDRom drive lying around. :rolleyes: ... and no one is asking you to scrap Windows, don't forget, mucks is just plane insane. ;)

Here is one of the best sites for downloads ...
I highy recommend you bookmark that one, it changes everyday. :thumb:

Cheers mate, i'll have a look at it. And yeah, back home i have lots of "spare" CD rom's etc. But im down under mate with my shoddy excuse for an expensive laptop!! :-) Im willing to bet that a cdrom drive for this beast IS expensive! :-)
muckshifter said:
ah, but that was in a different environment to a 'home user' and I would go as far to say your 'professionals' may not have been the best. ;)

I would like to know what version of Linux ... RedHat?

Mucks I would not blame the professionals since I was very closely involved in the project as I had a bit of knowledge on Linux. The problem was migration of the Accounting package which was originally done in Foxpro, since we have an internal lan based system the communication between data input clerk and the Accounts Manager was a problem, the Manager in turn reports to me so we have a trio besides being able to communicate with other departments like Laboratory, Production, Inventory, Maintenance and Administration. Yes we did use Red Hat :)
ah, Foxpro ... again, would that be Microsoft's Visual Foxpro? the one they don't want to be able to run under Linux? but it can ... and you can then say good buy to spending hundreds of thousands of $ on MS products. :)

MS is very afraid of Linux, has good right to be, hell it would go broke in a week if we all switched. :D


oops :o