Muckshifter & Suse (Linux) part II ... Mission Impossible ;-)


I'm not weird, I'm a limited edition.
Mar 5, 2002
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Today we start a new chapter.

... we, that is you and this monkey, are going to 'attempt' to use an external USB hard drive.

First we need to understand the Rules of this engagement
1. You must first attempt to use the "tools" provide by Suse
2. You must attempt to convey, using Suse as an example, and in one syllable words, "how" this could be achieved.
3. Screen shots should be used if possible within the constrictions allowed by PCR.
4. No attempt is to made to convert mucks to a command line module UNLESS all other avenues have been exploited.
5. If muckshifter makes meritorious remarks regarding Linux they are to be ignored ... we can discuss this on another thread.

The goal is to ...
1. Access the said drive
2. format that drive to whatever is recommended by the majority
3. To be able to use the said drive as a "test drive" for more Linux installs ... pushing that one aint I

The 'Drive' is actually an IDE drive fitted into a USB caddy, has its own PSU and is connected to an external powered USB hub.

Suse recognises the drive as;
Name: BackUp (that is the "label" I gave it in Windows)
Type: Mounted Removable Medium
Location: / (media)
Owner: root - root (I own it but I wont argue with Suse at the moment)
Permissions: drwxrwxrwx (an explanation of this will earn you extra brownie points)

Base URL: File:///media/BackUp
Device Node: /dev/sdc1
Free: 0
Total: 0
Used: 0
Usage: 0

Permissions Access Permissions: can view and modify content ... for; Owner, Group, Others.
Advanced Permissions: all are X'ed except Specials
Ownership: User = root
Ownership: Group = root

Error message when you click on the drive: could not enter folder /media/BackUp
Calculate: error as above
Refresh: error as above

I have read everything I can find, and I am now registered partially blind, I have looked at every conceivable 'tool' that Suse has, to no avail ... I do not mind one bit going back and using them again, practice makes perfect.

I ask for your assistance.

Please note:
If you undertake this assignment be assured I will be forever in your debt but cannot off any remission for your help and participation in this 'project' ... you take ME on at your own risk.

Ask any questions you like ... but PLEASE remember ... talk to the monkey first.

I mean no disrespect to any monkeys that may be reading this post.

Thank you for your time and any response you may give.


participating websites ...
If I knew anything about Linux, I'd be willing to help :) Unfortunatly, I know next to nothing about it, so this may help :D



  • monkey.webp
    18.7 KB · Views: 449
A good likeness Ian ... but I think you need a shave. :p
muckshifter said:
A good likeness Ian ... but I think you need a shave. :p

Good luck with Suse! (One day I will make the leap, just not for a while!)
Just for kicks, I threw a hard drive containing a Linux OS in my USB external and hooked it up to a suse tower.
It sees it fine.

From what I read, Linux can see vfat but not NTFS.
So possibly that may be part of the problem?
I'm all for giving it a good ald format too ... have a Mandrake 2005 DVD sitting here just itching to go somewhere.

I only have this PC, so that 80gig will come in handy for any "testing" ... or so I thought.

If you pop over to 'the big guns' Scot's, you'll see no takers yet ... mind you, I do forget about the time zones. :D
When I said I could "see" it fine, I meant the files.
You don't see it like a desktop, but I don't know why you couldn't set it up to boot from USB and boot to it as a separate OS.
I haven't tried that ... may have a look when I get back.

Mucks, if you still have Windows on that drive, before you erase it, try getting into your Bios and see if your Bios has an option to change boot order to a USB HD.

Plug it in and reboot and see if it loads Windows.

(I was able to change first boot selection and boot from USB drive but the OS (mepis linux) wouldn't load. I'm just wondering if it will work with Windows.
But remember this is a reboot and may change your keyboard settings again.)
Nope! no Windows ... ALL gone. :eek:

From the feedback and what I have been reading it is a dead duck trying to 'boot' off a USB HD ... a bridge too far, best to stick to formating it and using it as a backup drive. ;)

Shame really ... I have a 120 in this PC which is more than enough for 'playing' around with a couple more 'distros' ... I can now use a Floppy for the boot loader.

Still may 'have a look' but not today. :D
May have Bruno give me a hand at this 'command line' m'larky over at Scot's ... heck, need to get me 'ands in the mud sometime. :D

Just get access to it and format it for now ... :thumb: