mucks has a new monitor


I'm not weird, I'm a limited edition.
Mar 5, 2002
Reaction score
WOW!! :bow:

I just setup, well it setup for me, I just plugged it in & turned it on ... I'm blown away by the quality of this thing.

I finally "got with the times" and bought me one of them new fangled windscreen monitors, yeah, spelling is correct. ;)

I have a LG Flatron W2243S 22" monitor and a nice price off PCWorld :D

Very nice Mucks :thumb:

I've got a similar LG 22" one that V_R recommended a couple of years ago - really pleased with it :D. You're going to love it in games :D
Woohoo! :D

Me mate has a similar LG model and very nice it is too.

Monitors are very reasonably priced now compared to a few years ago.

So what did you upgrade from, Mr Mucks?

Glad you is happy wiv it :)
yes Niv ...

thanks all ... it is rather good :D

So what did you upgrade from, Mr Mucks?
A 19" V7 that wot I bought some many moons ago. ;)

yes Niv ...

As I got a mention I'd better make a comment. ;)

Glad you're happy with it, Mucks. And hopefully you'll get a long life out of it. :)