Mucks broke Suse ... twice


I'm not weird, I'm a limited edition.
Mar 5, 2002
Reaction score
Dam YaST did it not me ... :rolleyes:

I was lucky the first time round, as Suse has a very nice "Repair Installed System" on CD1 ... not to good second time, had to reinstall from scratch. :(

Must find out how to do an 'image' or back-up of the HD. :o

Lost two weeks hard work ... you know, mounting a floppy drive and installing a printer. :D

The reason ... I don't really know but it seems as though YaST gets a wee bit confused when dealing with a USB external drive ... YaST is native to Suse so anybody using a different 'Distro' will have, I hope, a better result.

YaST is a dame good 'program' and it does its other jobs impeccably. :thumb:

Today we try again ... but this time via a Konsole (Terminal) using command line inputs. This should be 'fun' ... :D

Linux seems like too much hard work for me :)

3rd time lucky :D
Ian Cunningham said:
Linux seems like too much hard work for me :)

3rd time lucky :D
Naw, I'm just giving it some stick.

I'm well impressed, and it was probably me pressing a wrong button, as it sure gives you enough warning, in red, before continuing. :D

The 'problem' with the "font" is sorted, hehe it was only here, a bit annoying but it turns out a lot of people change Firefox's defaults around ... it was just a mater of wording Google the right way to find me the answerers. Have 'em bookmarked :D

Linux is still not for games players ... and for really only one reason ... All the popular games are written for Windoes, Linux does have a whole host of games, hell I got about a 100 I can install FREE, and they aint shoddy, bloody good graphic on one of the Fighter simulations, had great fun on that for an hour or so, and never 'crashed' the system either. :D

If your total new to computing, Linux will be no harder than Windose ... but to a Windows user it can be a little bit of a learning curve.

I have a big advantage here ... Time, I have loads of time, so it takes me a day to get something done, no problem, most of that is reading. :D
Have you found anything that Windows can do that Linux can't? or vise versa?
Ian Cunningham said:
Have you found anything that Windows can do that Linux can't? or vise versa?
I'll ask you a question ... given a free choice, what car would you buy? Why would you buy THAT car.

In answer ... wait ... I'm thinking ... can I quote similarities?

I'm fast becoming a Linux NUT.

Linux is Free, even Suse.

Linux 64bit is fully supported with 64 bit applications ... don t forget, Linux is built off Unix, and who holds the market share there.

Linux is better installed as a stand-alone OS ... so is Windows, but Linux was built for multi-User multi network ability from day one.

You can install Linux on an 'older' PC and give it a new lease in life ... and it won't cost a penny.

Oh I could go on all day, but I want to play ...

I'll try and post "my experience" with Linux as we go, as an EX Windows user. I don't think I'll be going back to Windows ... Linux does everything I need my PC to do, and does it without moaning.


OH, I just thought of one ... Linux Security is second only to Unix ... I do not 'need' an Anti-virus program, although I can install one if I wish ... I do not 'need' an Anti-Spyware program but again I can use one if I wish.
You should make a Linux Blog :) I've enjoyed reading what you're finding out about Linux, as its the same sort of stuff everyone else would encounterthat hasn't used it much before.
Ian Cunningham said:
You should make a Linux Blog :) I've enjoyed reading what you're finding out about Linux, as its the same sort of stuff everyone else would encounterthat hasn't used it much before.
Good Idea ... but it takes me one day to do one thing ... :D

I'll start one now. ;)
One thing that Windows can that linux cant is Windows can be Internet hacked till its dead and linux cant, only the Internet browsers can get infected but it wont go futher into the Linux OS. Muckshifter will discover why this is.
Ya wont find out unless ya try it.