Mucks' Blog, Part II ... read at your own risk


I'm not weird, I'm a limited edition.
Mar 5, 2002
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Yes I'm still at it, and yes I'm still going off the deep end, especially if I don't get 'it' to work.

I messed up trying a dual-boot with SuSE and Mandriva, well I just pressed the buttons even after assurance from Linux users that they will be able to talk me through Lilo and getting the dual boot to work. Funny how it's always MY fault. :rolleyes:

So here we are with Madriva 10, a new way of doing things, still has all you will ever need, except Windows games, and I'm back to going around in circles.

I'm using OpenOffice to write this as it is err, a lot better on the 'mince pies' than trying to 'see' what I'm doing in Firefox on the forum. If you haven't seen my latest 'challenge' then you aint missed much ... pretty much the same as last time I went on about Fonts.

There is still a “Linux mentality” out there from regular users, users who have obviously been using Linux for some time. I'm sorry, but you really are going to have to accept that there are a few hundred thousand people just like myself (oh heck I hope not) that would gladly change if but for a guiding hand or two. Ask too many questions and they quickly start to ignore you. Or worse, repeat the stupid phrase ... RTFM.

I'm fed up trying to read the manual ... it's not written in any language I know ... and someone ripped out a lot of pages.


Here is an example, mucks starts smiling; in Mandriva 10 you have a different Icon on your desktop ... Devices is one of them ... in SuSE it was called My Computer. Hmmm wonder where I've seen that one. Now these two err, programs? are basically the same, they show your HDs, CDRom drives etc.

Now for some reason, bear with me I'm still working on it, for some reason, I do not 'see' a HD Icon, I see 4 (four) Removable Device Icons, pretty they are to. Now one of them is the HD, sdg5 is it's name, don't ask me, that was one of the missing pages remember. Well, not to try and confuse me too much but when I use my USB stick drive, it dully pops up in Devices as, wait for it, 'ang on, as a Hard Drive ... well the Icon is a HD Icon. :D

So, off I trots to my favourite Linux Forum, who speak English, (mucks, the sarcasm is creeping in) to ask why? and is there a way to 'fix' it? One answer was; “I don't use Madriva so I can't help you” ... Hmmm, then why bother posting? Next is from a well liked Mandriva Linux user who really does know his stuff and not afraid to tackle someone like me ... “oh yes I had a look at that, didn't need it, I access my drives another way.” ... Huh! Uhoh, I think he is getting tired of me ... Well here I am with pretty little USB Removable Disk Icons and back to square one. Why would I need pretty little pictures anyway, delete them.

Now in SuSE a lovely young Lady found out how to 'mount' our floppy drives ... careful, 'mount' is a technical word used in Linux ... well in Madriva I find that the floppy has been mounted for me ... yipee ... huhoh, I do not see my LS120 floptical drive ... bugger. Hey! I'll do what we did the last time, I'll make a link.

Well, I've never seen Linux 'crash' before ... actually I was told it didn't crash and I could have done “this” or done “that” or the “other way” ... listen pal, them pages are still missing from RTFM, OK! So I hit reset ... oops, you aint suppose to use that button ... :eek:

I now have a long list of “what key combinations to press” for any other such unfortunate instances. You don't see these things until after the fact, and I sware they are among them missing pages.

Hey but listen, Madriva has its own program like CHKDSK ... it started up soon after I hit “that” button, and while I was reading what it was and what it was going to do ... off it went and done it.

Nice. :thumb:

I suppose some of you are wondering why I'm still using Linux ... well I am already insane, I was never 'normal', have a very dry sense of humour that borders on sarcasm, or is it sarcasm, dunno, but the reason is quite simple.

I like it. :D

Yep, it is a very secure, stable platform ... I haven't got close to any of its potential and probably never will. But I really do like what its got.

There now, I'll wait while you get up of the floor ... ready?

Tomorrow then ... ;)